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Returns specified information about countries based on their ISO3 codes. The function accepts a vector of ISO codes and returns corresponding information based on the specified option.


wp_from_iso(iso, opt = "Name", verbose = TRUE)



Character vector of ISO3 country codes


Character string specifying the type of information to return. Options:

  • "Name": Country names

  • "ISO2": ISO2 country codes

  • "Region": Major geographical regions (AFRICA, AMERICAS, ASIA, EUROPE, OCEANIA)

  • "Subregion": Detailed geographical regions (e.g., NORTH_AFRICA, WEST_ASIA)

  • "Center-Periphery": Economic category (CTR_LDR, CTR_FOL, SMP_LDR, SMP_FOL, PERI)

  • "Oil": Hydrocarbon status (HYD_EXP, HYD_IMP, or NA)

  • "NaturalRent": Natural resource status (NRS_REN or NA)

  • "Category": All categories the country belongs to


Logical, whether to print informative messages about special cases (default: TRUE)


A character vector of the same length as the input iso vector containing the requested information. For "Category" option, returns a character vector of categories for each ISO code. For "ISO2" option, returns ISO2 codes (e.g., "US" for "USA"). Returns NA for countries not found in the specified category or for invalid ISO codes.

See also

wp_ctry2iso for converting country names to ISO codes, wp_get_category for getting all countries in specific categories

Other country code conversion functions: wp_ctry2iso()

Other country classification functions: wp_get_category()


# Get country names
wp_from_iso(c("USA", "FRA", "DEU"), "Name")
#>             USA             FRA             DEU 
#> "United States"        "France"       "Germany" 

# Get ISO2 codes
wp_from_iso(c("USA", "GBR", "FRA"), "ISO2")  # Returns c("US", "GB", "FR")
#>  USA  GBR  FRA 
#> "US" "GB" "FR" 

# Get regions
wp_from_iso(c("CHN", "BRA"), "Region")
#>        CHN        BRA 
#>     "ASIA" "AMERICAS" 

# Get oil status
wp_from_iso(c("SAU", "USA", "RUS"), "Oil")  # Returns c("HYD_EXP", NA, "HYD_EXP")
#>       SAU       USA       RUS 
#> "HYD_EXP"        NA "HYD_EXP" 

# Get economic categories
wp_from_iso(c("USA", "CHN", "ETH"), "Center-Periphery")
#>       USA       CHN       ETH 
#> "CTR_LDR" "SMP_LDR"    "PERI"