Converts country names to their corresponding ISO3 codes. The function uses a hierarchical matching strategy: first trying exact match, then prefix and partial matches if the input is long enough, while avoiding matches on common words.
- country_name
Character vector containing the country names to convert. The function accepts various formats and spellings, including:
Official names (e.g., "United States of America")
Common names (e.g., "United States", "USA")
Historical names (e.g., "Burma" for Myanmar)
Names with special characters (e.g., "Côte d'Ivoire")
Names with abbreviations (e.g., "Rep." for Republic)
- verbose
Logical, whether to print information about matching method used when exact match fails (default: TRUE)
- min_letter
Integer, minimum number of letters required for prefix and partial matching attempts (default: 5). Only used if exact match fails.
Character vector of the same length as country_name containing ISO3 codes. Returns NA for entries where no match is found, with a warning message if verbose=TRUE.
The function performs matching in the following order:
Normalizes input name (converts to lowercase, removes special characters, standardizes spacing)
Attempts exact match with normalized names
If exact match fails and input length >= min_letter:
Tries prefix match (input matches start of country name)
Tries partial match (input is contained within country name)
Skips matching on common words like "United", "Republic", etc.
If verbose=TRUE, informs user about successful prefix/partial match
See also
for converting ISO codes back to country names,
for getting countries in specific categories
Other country code conversion functions:
# Single country
wp_ctry2iso("France") # Returns "FRA"
#> France
#> "FRA"
# Multiple countries
wp_ctry2iso(c("India", "China", "Italy")) # Returns c("IND", "CHN", "ITA")
#> India China Italy
#> "IND" "CHN" "ITA"
# Mixed cases with some partial matches, short abbreviations, and errors
wp_ctry2iso(c("franc", "Deutsche", "Kingdom", "us", "UAE", "Jamai"))
#> [PREFIX] Found prefix match: input 'franc' matched with country 'France'
#> /!\ ISO code for country name 'Deutsche' (deutsche) not found. NA value returned.
#> /!\ ISO code for country name 'Kingdom' (kingdom) not found. NA value returned.
#> [PREFIX] Found prefix match: input 'Jamai' matched with country 'Jamaica'
#> franc Deutsche Kingdom us UAE Jamai
#> "FRA" NA NA "USA" "ARE" "JAM"