Getting Started
Benjamin Peeters
You can install the WPD package from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
Load the package:
Basic Usage
Accessing Data
The main function wp_data()
provides access to the database. Here’s a simple example:
# Get GDP data for a specific country
data <- wp_data(
ISO = "USA",
formula = c("GDP_C", "CU_C/GDP_C*100"),
variable = c("GDP", "Current Account"),
years = c(2000, 2023)
#> [Step 1] Input Validation.
#> [Step 2] Data Filtering (ISO codes, Symbols, and Years).
#> [LOADING] Loading quarterly data (first use)
#> [Steps 3 to 7] Loop through each formula.
#> --- Step 3-4: Formula: GDP_C -- Symbols: GDP_C (Q)
#> --- Step 5: Adjust frequencies.
#> --- Step 6-7: Data Processing (Loop for each country).
#> ---
#> --- Step 3-4: Formula: CU_C/GDP_C*100 -- Symbols: CU_C (Q) GDP_C (Q)
#> --- Step 5: Adjust frequencies.
#> --- Step 6-7: Data Processing (Loop for each country).
#> ---
#> [Step 10] Clean database [remove NAs in output] - clean is TRUE.
# Preview the data
#> ISO Variable Date Value Reference
#> 1 USA GDP 2000Q1 9.989267e+12 World Bank Indicators
#> 2 USA GDP 2000Q2 1.017019e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 3 USA GDP 2000Q3 1.025470e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 4 USA GDP 2000Q4 1.039070e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 5 USA GDP 2001Q1 1.044218e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 6 USA GDP 2001Q2 1.055395e+13 World Bank Indicators
Basic Visualization
The package includes built-in visualization functions:
# Create a basic time series plot
y_axis = c("Billion USD", "% of GDP"),
right_axis = "Current Account",
title = "GDP and Current Account of the United States")
#> [COUNTRY] Column Country added to data
#> [CONFIG] n_countries = 1 | n_indicators = 2 | plot_type = series
#> [SUBPLOT] call 'in_plot_multi_indic_one_ctry_two_axes'
#> [ARGS] Unused arguments for function 'plot_func': subfig_title, bg, area, by_indicator, dimensions
#> Warning: Using `as.character()` on a quosure is deprecated as of rlang 0.3.0. Please use
#> `as_label()` or `as_name()` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> [LEGEND] Legend items (display): GDP, Current Account
#> [LEGEND] plot_type = 'series' | legend_cols = 2' | legend_height = 1.33333333333333' | n_items = 2
#> [ADD_REF] References: IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position; World Bank Indicators
Data Structure
WPD includes quarterly (DATA_Q
) and yearly (DATA_Y
) dataframes:
Economic Indicators
- GDP and its components
- Trade statistics
- Price indices
Financial Indicators
- Exchange rates
- Interest rates
- Stock market indices
Social Indicators
- Population statistics
- Employment data
- Education metrics
Available Countries and Indicators
You can view available data using helper functions:
# View quarterly data
#> ############# Quarterly Data (249 variables) #############
#> [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators
#> GDP_C | GDP (current US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL | Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL_AD | Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU | GDP (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU_AD | GDP: linked series (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_2021 | GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_C | GDP, PPP (current international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_R_2015 | GDP (constant 2015 US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_WLD_C | World GDP (current USD - smoothed)
#> POP | Population, total (smoothed)
#> POP_1564 | Population ages 15-64, total (smoothed)
#> PRC_IDX_WLD | World Price Index (GDP deflator - Real = Nominal/Price Index)
#> [OECD] Data from Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Main Economic Indicators
#> CAPA_USE | Rate of Capacity Utilisation, Manufacturing - Business Tendency Surveys - Seasonally Adjusted (%)
#> [IMF IFS] Data from IMF's International Financial Statistics (IFS)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1995=100)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> AIP_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:2000=100)
#> AIP_PC_CP_A_PT | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Percentage change, Corresponding period previous year, Percent
#> AIP_SA_IX | Industrial Production, Seasonally adjusted, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPCO_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Construction, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPEE_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Energy, Electricity Production, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPEE_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Energy, Electricity Production, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> AIPMA_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Manufacturing, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPMA_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Manufacturing, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> AIPMI_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPMI_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:1975=100)
#> AIPMI_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> AIPMI_IX | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> AOTN_NUM | Indicators of Economic Activity, Other Indicators. Tourism, Number of Tourist Nights, Number
#> ENDE_XDC_USD_RATE | Exchange Rates, Domestic Currency per U.S. Dollar, End of Period, Rate
#> ENEER_IX | Exchange Rates, Nominal Effective Exchange Rate, Index
#> ENEER_ULC_IX | Exchange Rates, Nominal Effective Exchange Rate based on Unit Labor Costs, Index
#> EREER_IX | Exchange Rates, Real Effective Exchange Rate based on Consumer Price Index, Index
#> EREER_ULC_IX | Exchange Rates, Real Effective Exchange Rate based on Unit Labor Costs, Index
#> FIACF_PA | Financial, Interest Rates, Average Cost of Funds, Percent per Annum
#> FIGB_PA | Financial, Interest Rates, Government Securities, Government Bonds, Percent per annum
#> FIGBY_SM_PA | Financial, Interest Rates, Government Bond Yields, Short- to Medium-Term, Percent per Annum
#> FILR_PA | Financial, Interest Rates, Lending Rate, Percent per annum
#> FITB_PA | Financial, Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills, Percent per annum
#> FPE_IX | Financial Market Prices, Equities, Index
#> FPOLM_PA | Financial, Interest Rates, Monetary Policy-Related Interest Rate, Percent per annum
#> LE_IX | Labor Markets, Employment, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> LUR_PT | Labor Markets, Unemployment Rate, Percent
#> LWR_IX | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> LWR_IX | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> LWR_IX | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:1960=100)
#> LWR_IX | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> LWR_IX | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:1965=100)
#> NFI_SA_XDC | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NFID_SA_XDC | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Dwellings, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NFIOS_SA_XDC | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Other Buildings and Structures, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NFIOT_SA_XDC | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Machinery and Equipment and Weapon System, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2010)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2018)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2022)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2000)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2007)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2016)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2005)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2012)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2015)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2014)
#> NGDP_SA_XDC | Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NI_SA_XDC | Gross Capital Formation, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> PMP_IX | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PMP_IX | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1995=100)
#> PMP_IX | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PMP_IX | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> PMP_IX | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> PMP_IX | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2000=100)
#> PPPI_IX | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PPPI_IX | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PPPI_IX | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> PPPI_IX | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> PPPI_IX | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1995=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1965=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1975=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:2000=100)
#> PWPI_IX | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> PXP_IX | Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PXP_IX | Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PXP_IX | Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> RAFA_MV_USD | Total Reserves, US Dollars (Gold at Market Price)
#> TMG_CIF_USD | External Trade, Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars
#> TMG_R_CIF_IX | External Trade, Goods, Volume of Imports, Cost Insurance Freight (CIF), Index (base year:2010=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:1975=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:1980=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> TXG_FOB_USD | External Trade, Goods, Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), US Dollars
#> TXG_R_FOB_IX | External Trade, Goods, Volume of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), Index (base year:2010=100)
#> [IMF BOP] Data from IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position
#> BP_C | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)
#> BP_R_2023 | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CA_C | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)
#> CA_R_2023 | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAi_C | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)
#> CAi_R_2023 | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAo_C | Capital Account Outflow
#> CAo_R_2023 | Capital Account Outflow(constant 2023 USD)
#> CU_C | Current Account Balance
#> CU_R_2023 | Current Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> DER_C | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options
#> DER_R_2023 | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options(constant 2023 USD)
#> EO_C | Errors and Omissions
#> EO_R_2023 | Errors and Omissions(constant 2023 USD)
#> ExF_C | Exceptional Financing
#> ExF_R_2023 | Exceptional Financing(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXg_C | Exports of Goods
#> EXg_R_2023 | Exports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXs_C | Exports of Services
#> EXs_R_2023 | Exports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> FA_C | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)
#> FA_R_2023 | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)(constant 2023 USD)
#> FER_C | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves
#> FER_R_2023 | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves(constant 2023 USD)
#> GBT_C | Goods Trade Balance
#> GBT_R_2023 | Goods Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> GSI_C | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance
#> GSI_R_2023 | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDER_C | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities
#> iDER_R_2023 | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDID_C | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> iDID_R_2023 | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDIE_C | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> iDIE_R_2023 | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iFDI_C | Inward FDI
#> iFDI_R_2023 | Inward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfCL_C | Net IMF Credit and Loans
#> imfCL_R_2023 | Net IMF Credit and Loans(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfRE_C | Change in IMF Reserve Assets
#> imfRE_R_2023 | Change in IMF Reserve Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMg_C | Imports of Goods
#> IMg_R_2023 | Imports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMs_C | Imports of Services
#> IMs_R_2023 | Imports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOI_C | Other Investments Incurred
#> iOI_R_2023 | Other Investments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOID_C | Other Debt Instruments Incurred
#> iOID_R_2023 | Other Debt Instruments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOIE_C | Other Equity Incurred
#> iOIE_R_2023 | Other Equity Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPOR_C | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)
#> iPOR_R_2023 | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORD_C | Debt Securities Incurred
#> iPORD_R_2023 | Debt Securities Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORE_C | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred
#> iPORE_R_2023 | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDER_C | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets
#> oDER_R_2023 | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDID_C | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> oDID_R_2023 | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDIE_C | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> oDIE_R_2023 | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oFDI_C | Outward FDI
#> oFDI_R_2023 | Outward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOI_C | Other Investments Acquired
#> oOI_R_2023 | Other Investments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOID_C | Other Debt Instruments Acquired
#> oOID_R_2023 | Other Debt Instruments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOIE_C | Other Equity Acquired
#> oOIE_R_2023 | Other Equity Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPOR_C | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)
#> oPOR_R_2023 | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORD_C | Debt Securities Acquired
#> oPORD_R_2023 | Debt Securities Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORE_C | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired
#> oPORE_R_2023 | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIi_C | Primary Income Received
#> PIi_R_2023 | Primary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIo_C | Primary Income Payments
#> PIo_R_2023 | Primary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIi_C | Secondary Income Received
#> SIi_R_2023 | Secondary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIo_C | Secondary Income Payments
#> SIo_R_2023 | Secondary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> TB_C | Trade Balance
#> TB_R_2023 | Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> TCC_C | Current and Capital Account Balance
#> TCC_R_2023 | Current and Capital Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> [EMDAT] Data from EM-DAT (Emergency Events Database) - CRED (UCLouvain)
#> DIS_BIO_AFF | Biological Disaster (Epidemic, Infestation, Animal incident) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_BIO_DEATH | Biological Disaster (Epidemic, Infestation, Animal incident) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_BIO_DMG | Biological Disaster (Epidemic, Infestation, Animal incident) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_CLIM_AFF | Climatological Disaster (Drought, Wildfire, Glacial lake outburst flood) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_CLIM_DEATH | Climatological Disaster (Drought, Wildfire, Glacial lake outburst flood) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_CLIM_DMG | Climatological Disaster (Drought, Wildfire, Glacial lake outburst flood) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_EXT_AFF | Extra-terrestrial Disaster - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_EXT_DMG | Extra-terrestrial Disaster - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_GEO_AFF | Geophysical Disaster (Volcanic activity, Earthquake, Mass movement (dry)) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_GEO_DEATH | Geophysical Disaster (Volcanic activity, Earthquake, Mass movement (dry)) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_GEO_DMG | Geophysical Disaster (Volcanic activity, Earthquake, Mass movement (dry)) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_HYDRO_AFF | Hydrological Disaster (Flood, Mass movement (wet)) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_HYDRO_DEATH | Hydrological Disaster (Flood, Mass movement (wet)) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_HYDRO_DMG | Hydrological Disaster (Flood, Mass movement (wet)) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_IND_AFF | Industrial Accident (fire, explosion, gas leak, collapse, chemical or oil spill, etc) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_IND_DEATH | Industrial Accident (fire, explosion, gas leak, collapse, chemical or oil spill, etc) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_IND_DMG | Industrial Accident (fire, explosion, gas leak, collapse, chemical or oil spill, etc) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_MET_AFF | Meteorological Disaster (storm, extreme temperature, fog) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_MET_DEATH | Meteorological Disaster (storm, extreme temperature, fog) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_MET_DMG | Meteorological Disaster (storm, extreme temperature, fog) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_MISC_AFF | Miscellaneous Disaster (fire, explosion, collapse, etc.) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_MISC_DEATH | Miscellaneous Disaster (fire, explosion, collapse, etc.) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_MISC_DMG | Miscellaneous Disaster (fire, explosion, collapse, etc.) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_NAT_AFF | All Natural Disaster (Bio, Clim, Geo, Hydro, Meteo & Extra) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_NAT_DEATH | All Natural Disaster (Bio, Clim, Geo, Hydro, Meteo & Extra) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_NAT_DMG | All Natural Disaster (Bio, Clim, Geo, Hydro, Meteo & Extra) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_TECH_AFF | All Technological Disaster (Industrial and Miscellaneous accident, Transport) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_TECH_DEATH | All Technological Disaster (Industrial and Miscellaneous accident, Transport) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_TECH_DMG | All Technological Disaster (Industrial and Miscellaneous accident, Transport) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_TRANS_AFF | Transport Disaster (Water, Rail, Air, Road) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_TRANS_DEATH | Transport Disaster (Water, Rail, Air, Road) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_TRANS_DMG | Transport Disaster (Water, Rail, Air, Road) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics
#> CB_ASSET_CD | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced, current USD
#> CB_ASSET_ZS | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced (%GDP)
#> CB_RATE | Central bank policy rates
#> CPI_INFL_RATE | Consumer price index Year-on-year changes (%)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_CD | Credit from all sectors to central govt (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_KN | Credit from all sectors to central govt (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_ZS | Credit from all sectors to central govt (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_CD | Credit from all sectors to households (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_KN | Credit from all sectors to households (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_ZS | Credit from all sectors to households (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_CD | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_KN | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_ZS | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_CD | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_KN | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_ZS | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_CD | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_KN | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_CD | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (USD)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_KN | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (LCU)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_GAP_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Credit-to-GDP gaps (from all sectors to private non-fin sector - %GDP)
#> DEBT_SERV_HH_ZS | Debt service ratios - households (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINFIRM_ZS | Debt service ratios - non-fin corporations (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Debt service ratios - private non-fin sector (% of income used to service debt)
#> EXCH_RATE_USD | Exchange rates against USD (nominal value of 1 USD relative to a given currency - decrease = appreciation against the USD)
#> HOUSE_PRICE_R_2010 | Residential property prices, Real, Index, 2010 = 100
#> REER_BIS | Broad Real Effective Exchange Rates (measure of competitiveness - NEER as geometric trade-weighted averages of bil exch rates)
Additional Resources and Documentation
You can also have access to METADATA_Q
, and various list containing mappings for ISO3 codes using:
# Load metadata for quarterly and yearly data
# Load ISO3 Codes lists
For more information about these data, we can also …
Additional Ressources
- Package documentation:
help(package = "WPD")
- GitHub repository:
- Bug reports: