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Provides a comprehensive view of available data variables in the WPD package, organized by data source and frequency. This function is typically used before wp_data() to discover available variables and their codes. Variables are grouped by their origin (data source) and can be filtered or searched.


  frequency = NULL,
  origin = NULL,
  search = NULL,
  color = TRUE,
  special = NULL,
  print = TRUE



Character, either "Q" (quarterly), "Y" (yearly), or NULL (both). If NULL (default), displays both quarterly and yearly data.


Character vector, filter by data source(s). Multiple origins can be specified. Invalid origins trigger a warning. Default is NULL (all origins).

Character vector, search terms to filter data. Searches both Symbol and Indicator columns. Case-insensitive, supports partial matches. Maximum length is limited by available colors. Default is NULL (no search).


Logical, whether to use color highlighting for search matches. Default is TRUE.


Character, specifies special display modes. Currently only "BOP" (Balance of Payments) is supported. Default is NULL.


Logical, whether to print the output to console (default = TRUE)


When print=TRUE (default), displays the data in console. Invisibly returns:

  • A data frame combining Q and Y data (with Frequency column) when frequency=NULL

  • A single data frame when frequency is specified ("Q" or "Y")

  • For special="BOP", returns the filtered Balance of Payments data frame


The function helps users discover available variables through several features:

Variable Naming Patterns: Common suffixes:

  • \_C: Current prices/values

  • \_R\_YYYY: Real/constant prices (YYYY is base year)

  • \_ZS: Percentages/shares

  • \_CD: Current US dollars

  • \_KN: Local currency units

  • \_PC: Per capita values

  • \_XD: Indices

  • \_MA/\_FE: Male/Female specific

  • \_GD: GDP-related

  • \_IX: Index values

  • \_IN: Count/number

  • \_PT: Points/percentages

  • \_TOT: Total values

  • \_EST: Estimates

  • \_ZG: Growth rates

  • \_KD: Constant dollars

  • \_PPP: Purchasing Power Parity

  • \_SA: Seasonally adjusted

  • \_AD: Adjusted/linked series

  • \_GI: Global/composite indices

Common prefixes:

  • NE\_ : National accounts expenditure

  • NY\_ : National accounts income

  • BX\_ : Balance of payments credits/exports

  • BM\_ : Balance of payments debits/imports

  • SL\_ : Labor market indicators

  • SP\_ : Population indicators

  • SE\_ : Education indicators

  • SH\_ : Health indicators

  • FI\_ : Financial reserves

  • EN\_ : Environment indicators

  • IC\_ : Investment climate

  • TX\_ : Trade/export indicators

  • TM\_ : Trade/import indicators

Balance of Payments Mode (special="BOP"): When using special="BOP", displays detailed Balance of Payments relationships with specific prefixes:

  • i/o: Inward/outward flows

  • DI/POR/OI: Direct Investment/Portfolio/Other Investment

  • E/D: Equity/Debt components

Data Sources: The output displays data sources in headers, including major sources like:

  • IMF IFS (International Financial Statistics)

  • IMF BOP (Balance of Payments)

  • BIS Statistics

  • World Bank Indicators

Data Availability: Some indicators are available in both quarterly (METADATA_Q) and yearly (METADATA_Y) frequencies, while others are specific to one frequency. Both METADATA_Q and METADATA_Y are accessible in the package namespace for direct inspection.

Search Functionality: The search parameter provides flexible filtering:

  • Searches across both Symbol and Indicator columns simultaneously

  • Multiple search terms work as OR condition (matches any term)

  • Case-insensitive and supports partial matches

  • Search highlighting makes matches easily visible (can be disabled with color=FALSE)

Special Modes: Currently supports "BOP" (Balance of Payments) mode for detailed payment relationships. Future versions will include additional special modes for other data categories and analytical views.

See also

wp_data for using the discovered variables in data retrieval


# Show quarterly data
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (249 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> GDP_C                      | GDP (current US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL                   | Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL_AD                | Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU                    | GDP (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU_AD                 | GDP: linked series (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_2021               | GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_C                  | GDP, PPP (current international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_R_2015                 | GDP (constant 2015 US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_WLD_C                  | World GDP (current USD - smoothed)
#> POP                        | Population, total (smoothed)
#> POP_1564                   | Population ages 15-64, total (smoothed)
#> PRC_IDX_WLD                | World Price Index (GDP deflator - Real = Nominal/Price Index)
#>  [OECD] Data from Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Main Economic Indicators 
#> CAPA_USE                   | Rate of Capacity Utilisation, Manufacturing -  Business Tendency Surveys - Seasonally Adjusted (%)
#>  [IMF IFS] Data from IMF's International Financial Statistics (IFS) 
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1995=100)
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> AIP_IX                     | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Index (base year:2000=100)
#> AIP_PC_CP_A_PT             | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Percentage change, Corresponding period previous year, Percent
#> AIP_SA_IX                  | Industrial Production, Seasonally adjusted, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPCO_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Construction, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPEE_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Energy, Electricity Production, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPEE_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Energy, Electricity Production, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> AIPMA_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Manufacturing, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPMA_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Manufacturing, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> AIPMI_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> AIPMI_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:1975=100)
#> AIPMI_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> AIPMI_IX                   | Economic Activity, Industrial Production, Mining, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> AOTN_NUM                   | Indicators of Economic Activity, Other Indicators. Tourism, Number of Tourist Nights, Number
#> ENDE_XDC_USD_RATE          | Exchange Rates, Domestic Currency per U.S. Dollar, End of Period, Rate
#> ENEER_IX                   | Exchange Rates, Nominal Effective Exchange Rate, Index
#> ENEER_ULC_IX               | Exchange Rates, Nominal Effective Exchange Rate based on Unit Labor Costs, Index
#> EREER_IX                   | Exchange Rates, Real Effective Exchange Rate based on Consumer Price Index, Index
#> EREER_ULC_IX               | Exchange Rates, Real Effective Exchange Rate based on Unit Labor Costs, Index
#> FIACF_PA                   | Financial, Interest Rates, Average Cost of Funds, Percent per Annum
#> FIGB_PA                    | Financial, Interest Rates, Government Securities, Government Bonds, Percent per annum
#> FIGBY_SM_PA                | Financial, Interest Rates, Government Bond Yields, Short- to Medium-Term, Percent per Annum
#> FILR_PA                    | Financial, Interest Rates, Lending Rate, Percent per annum
#> FITB_PA                    | Financial, Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills, Percent per annum
#> FPE_IX                     | Financial Market Prices, Equities, Index
#> FPOLM_PA                   | Financial, Interest Rates, Monetary Policy-Related Interest Rate, Percent per annum
#> LE_IX                      | Labor Markets, Employment, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> LUR_PT                     | Labor Markets, Unemployment Rate, Percent
#> LWR_IX                     | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> LWR_IX                     | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> LWR_IX                     | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:1960=100)
#> LWR_IX                     | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> LWR_IX                     | Labor Markets, Wage Rates, Index (base year:1965=100)
#> NFI_SA_XDC                 | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NFID_SA_XDC                | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Dwellings, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NFIOS_SA_XDC               | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Other Buildings and Structures, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NFIOT_SA_XDC               | Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Machinery and Equipment and Weapon System, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2010)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2018)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2022)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2000)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2007)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2016)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2005)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2012)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2015)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC              | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2014)
#> NGDP_SA_XDC                | Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NI_SA_XDC                  | Gross Capital Formation, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> PMP_IX                     | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PMP_IX                     | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1995=100)
#> PMP_IX                     | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PMP_IX                     | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> PMP_IX                     | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> PMP_IX                     | Prices, Import Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2000=100)
#> PPPI_IX                    | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PPPI_IX                    | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PPPI_IX                    | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> PPPI_IX                    | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> PPPI_IX                    | Prices, Producer Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1995=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1990=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1965=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1975=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:2000=100)
#> PWPI_IX                    | Prices, Wholesale Price Index, All Items, Index (base year:1985=100)
#> PXP_IX                     | Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> PXP_IX                     | Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> PXP_IX                     | Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index (base year:1970=100)
#> RAFA_MV_USD                | Total Reserves, US Dollars (Gold at Market Price)
#> TMG_CIF_USD                | External Trade, Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars
#> TMG_R_CIF_IX               | External Trade, Goods, Volume of Imports, Cost Insurance Freight (CIF), Index (base year:2010=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX           | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:2010=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX           | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:1975=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX           | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:1980=100)
#> TXG_D_FOB_USD_IX           | External Trade, Goods, Deflator/Unit Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), in US Dollars, Index (base year:2005=100)
#> TXG_FOB_USD                | External Trade, Goods, Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), US Dollars
#> TXG_R_FOB_IX               | External Trade, Goods, Volume of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), Index (base year:2010=100)
#>  [IMF BOP] Data from IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position 
#> BP_C                       | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)
#> BP_R_2023                  | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CA_C                       | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)
#> CA_R_2023                  | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAi_C                      | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)
#> CAi_R_2023                 | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAo_C                      | Capital Account Outflow
#> CAo_R_2023                 | Capital Account Outflow(constant 2023 USD)
#> CU_C                       | Current Account Balance
#> CU_R_2023                  | Current Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> DER_C                      | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options
#> DER_R_2023                 | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options(constant 2023 USD)
#> EO_C                       | Errors and Omissions
#> EO_R_2023                  | Errors and Omissions(constant 2023 USD)
#> ExF_C                      | Exceptional Financing
#> ExF_R_2023                 | Exceptional Financing(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXg_C                      | Exports of Goods
#> EXg_R_2023                 | Exports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXs_C                      | Exports of Services
#> EXs_R_2023                 | Exports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> FA_C                       | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)
#> FA_R_2023                  | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)(constant 2023 USD)
#> FER_C                      | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves
#> FER_R_2023                 | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves(constant 2023 USD)
#> GBT_C                      | Goods Trade Balance
#> GBT_R_2023                 | Goods Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> GSI_C                      | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance
#> GSI_R_2023                 | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDER_C                     | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities
#> iDER_R_2023                | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDID_C                     | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> iDID_R_2023                | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDIE_C                     | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> iDIE_R_2023                | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iFDI_C                     | Inward FDI
#> iFDI_R_2023                | Inward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfCL_C                    | Net IMF Credit and Loans
#> imfCL_R_2023               | Net IMF Credit and Loans(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfRE_C                    | Change in IMF Reserve Assets
#> imfRE_R_2023               | Change in IMF Reserve Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMg_C                      | Imports of Goods
#> IMg_R_2023                 | Imports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMs_C                      | Imports of Services
#> IMs_R_2023                 | Imports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOI_C                      | Other Investments Incurred
#> iOI_R_2023                 | Other Investments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOID_C                     | Other Debt Instruments Incurred
#> iOID_R_2023                | Other Debt Instruments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOIE_C                     | Other Equity Incurred
#> iOIE_R_2023                | Other Equity Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPOR_C                     | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)
#> iPOR_R_2023                | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORD_C                    | Debt Securities Incurred
#> iPORD_R_2023               | Debt Securities Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORE_C                    | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred
#> iPORE_R_2023               | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDER_C                     | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets
#> oDER_R_2023                | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDID_C                     | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> oDID_R_2023                | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDIE_C                     | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> oDIE_R_2023                | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oFDI_C                     | Outward FDI
#> oFDI_R_2023                | Outward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOI_C                      | Other Investments Acquired
#> oOI_R_2023                 | Other Investments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOID_C                     | Other Debt Instruments Acquired
#> oOID_R_2023                | Other Debt Instruments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOIE_C                     | Other Equity Acquired
#> oOIE_R_2023                | Other Equity Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPOR_C                     | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)
#> oPOR_R_2023                | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORD_C                    | Debt Securities Acquired
#> oPORD_R_2023               | Debt Securities Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORE_C                    | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired
#> oPORE_R_2023               | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIi_C                      | Primary Income Received
#> PIi_R_2023                 | Primary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIo_C                      | Primary Income Payments
#> PIo_R_2023                 | Primary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIi_C                      | Secondary Income Received
#> SIi_R_2023                 | Secondary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIo_C                      | Secondary Income Payments
#> SIo_R_2023                 | Secondary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> TB_C                       | Trade Balance
#> TB_R_2023                  | Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> TCC_C                      | Current and Capital Account Balance
#> TCC_R_2023                 | Current and Capital Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#>  [EMDAT] Data from EM-DAT (Emergency Events Database) - CRED (UCLouvain) 
#> DIS_BIO_AFF                | Biological Disaster (Epidemic, Infestation, Animal incident) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged) 
#> DIS_BIO_DEATH              | Biological Disaster (Epidemic, Infestation, Animal incident) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_BIO_DMG                | Biological Disaster (Epidemic, Infestation, Animal incident) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars) 
#> DIS_CLIM_AFF               | Climatological Disaster (Drought, Wildfire, Glacial lake outburst flood) -  Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_CLIM_DEATH             | Climatological Disaster (Drought, Wildfire, Glacial lake outburst flood) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_CLIM_DMG               | Climatological Disaster (Drought, Wildfire, Glacial lake outburst flood) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_EXT_AFF                | Extra-terrestrial Disaster - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged) 
#> DIS_EXT_DMG                | Extra-terrestrial Disaster - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_GEO_AFF                | Geophysical Disaster (Volcanic activity, Earthquake, Mass movement (dry)) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged) 
#> DIS_GEO_DEATH              | Geophysical Disaster (Volcanic activity, Earthquake, Mass movement (dry)) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_GEO_DMG                | Geophysical Disaster (Volcanic activity, Earthquake, Mass movement (dry)) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_HYDRO_AFF              | Hydrological Disaster (Flood, Mass movement (wet)) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged) 
#> DIS_HYDRO_DEATH            | Hydrological Disaster (Flood, Mass movement (wet)) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_HYDRO_DMG              | Hydrological Disaster (Flood, Mass movement (wet)) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_IND_AFF                | Industrial Accident (fire, explosion, gas leak, collapse, chemical or oil spill, etc) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)  
#> DIS_IND_DEATH              | Industrial Accident (fire, explosion, gas leak, collapse, chemical or oil spill, etc) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_IND_DMG                | Industrial Accident (fire, explosion, gas leak, collapse, chemical or oil spill, etc) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_MET_AFF                | Meteorological Disaster (storm, extreme temperature, fog) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_MET_DEATH              | Meteorological Disaster (storm, extreme temperature, fog) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_MET_DMG                | Meteorological Disaster (storm, extreme temperature, fog) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_MISC_AFF               | Miscellaneous Disaster (fire, explosion, collapse, etc.) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_MISC_DEATH             | Miscellaneous Disaster (fire, explosion, collapse, etc.) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_MISC_DMG               | Miscellaneous Disaster (fire, explosion, collapse, etc.) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_NAT_AFF                | All Natural Disaster (Bio, Clim, Geo, Hydro, Meteo & Extra) - Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_NAT_DEATH              | All Natural Disaster (Bio, Clim, Geo, Hydro, Meteo & Extra) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_NAT_DMG                | All Natural Disaster (Bio, Clim, Geo, Hydro, Meteo & Extra) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_TECH_AFF               | All Technological Disaster (Industrial and Miscellaneous accident, Transport) -  Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_TECH_DEATH             | All Technological Disaster (Industrial and Miscellaneous accident, Transport) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_TECH_DMG               | All Technological Disaster (Industrial and Miscellaneous accident, Transport) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#> DIS_TRANS_AFF              | Transport Disaster (Water, Rail, Air, Road) -  Number of affected people (with physical injuries, trauma, or illness, requiring assistance, or requiring shelter due to their house being damaged)
#> DIS_TRANS_DEATH            | Transport Disaster (Water, Rail, Air, Road) - fatalities (deceased and missing combined)
#> DIS_TRANS_DMG              | Transport Disaster (Water, Rail, Air, Road) - Value of all economic losses due to the disaster (thousands of current US dollars)
#>  [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics 
#> CB_ASSET_CD                | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced, current USD
#> CB_ASSET_ZS                | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced (%GDP)
#> CB_RATE                    | Central bank policy rates
#> CPI_INFL_RATE              | Consumer price index Year-on-year changes (%)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_CD            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_KN            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_ZS            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_CD             | Credit from all sectors to households (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_KN             | Credit from all sectors to households (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_ZS             | Credit from all sectors to households (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_CD          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_KN          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_ZS          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_CD      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_KN      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_CD      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_KN      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_CD     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (USD)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_KN     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (LCU)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_ZS     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_GAP_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS  | Credit-to-GDP gaps (from all sectors to private non-fin sector - %GDP)
#> DEBT_SERV_HH_ZS            | Debt service ratios - households (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINFIRM_ZS     | Debt service ratios - non-fin corporations (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINPRIV_ZS     | Debt service ratios - private non-fin sector (% of income used to service debt)
#> EXCH_RATE_USD              | Exchange rates against USD (nominal value of 1 USD relative to a given currency - decrease = appreciation against the USD)
#> HOUSE_PRICE_R_2010         | Residential property prices, Real, Index, 2010 = 100
#> REER_BIS                   | Broad Real Effective Exchange Rates (measure of competitiveness - NEER as geometric trade-weighted averages of bil exch rates)

# Filter by origin
wp_info(origin = c("BIS", "IMF BOP"))
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (117/249 variables) #############
#>  [IMF BOP] Data from IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position 
#> BP_C                       | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)
#> BP_R_2023                  | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CA_C                       | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)
#> CA_R_2023                  | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAi_C                      | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)
#> CAi_R_2023                 | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAo_C                      | Capital Account Outflow
#> CAo_R_2023                 | Capital Account Outflow(constant 2023 USD)
#> CU_C                       | Current Account Balance
#> CU_R_2023                  | Current Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> DER_C                      | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options
#> DER_R_2023                 | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options(constant 2023 USD)
#> EO_C                       | Errors and Omissions
#> EO_R_2023                  | Errors and Omissions(constant 2023 USD)
#> ExF_C                      | Exceptional Financing
#> ExF_R_2023                 | Exceptional Financing(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXg_C                      | Exports of Goods
#> EXg_R_2023                 | Exports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXs_C                      | Exports of Services
#> EXs_R_2023                 | Exports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> FA_C                       | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)
#> FA_R_2023                  | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)(constant 2023 USD)
#> FER_C                      | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves
#> FER_R_2023                 | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves(constant 2023 USD)
#> GBT_C                      | Goods Trade Balance
#> GBT_R_2023                 | Goods Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> GSI_C                      | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance
#> GSI_R_2023                 | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDER_C                     | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities
#> iDER_R_2023                | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDID_C                     | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> iDID_R_2023                | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDIE_C                     | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> iDIE_R_2023                | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iFDI_C                     | Inward FDI
#> iFDI_R_2023                | Inward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfCL_C                    | Net IMF Credit and Loans
#> imfCL_R_2023               | Net IMF Credit and Loans(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfRE_C                    | Change in IMF Reserve Assets
#> imfRE_R_2023               | Change in IMF Reserve Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMg_C                      | Imports of Goods
#> IMg_R_2023                 | Imports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMs_C                      | Imports of Services
#> IMs_R_2023                 | Imports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOI_C                      | Other Investments Incurred
#> iOI_R_2023                 | Other Investments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOID_C                     | Other Debt Instruments Incurred
#> iOID_R_2023                | Other Debt Instruments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOIE_C                     | Other Equity Incurred
#> iOIE_R_2023                | Other Equity Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPOR_C                     | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)
#> iPOR_R_2023                | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORD_C                    | Debt Securities Incurred
#> iPORD_R_2023               | Debt Securities Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORE_C                    | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred
#> iPORE_R_2023               | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDER_C                     | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets
#> oDER_R_2023                | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDID_C                     | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> oDID_R_2023                | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDIE_C                     | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> oDIE_R_2023                | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oFDI_C                     | Outward FDI
#> oFDI_R_2023                | Outward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOI_C                      | Other Investments Acquired
#> oOI_R_2023                 | Other Investments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOID_C                     | Other Debt Instruments Acquired
#> oOID_R_2023                | Other Debt Instruments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOIE_C                     | Other Equity Acquired
#> oOIE_R_2023                | Other Equity Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPOR_C                     | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)
#> oPOR_R_2023                | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORD_C                    | Debt Securities Acquired
#> oPORD_R_2023               | Debt Securities Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORE_C                    | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired
#> oPORE_R_2023               | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIi_C                      | Primary Income Received
#> PIi_R_2023                 | Primary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIo_C                      | Primary Income Payments
#> PIo_R_2023                 | Primary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIi_C                      | Secondary Income Received
#> SIi_R_2023                 | Secondary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIo_C                      | Secondary Income Payments
#> SIo_R_2023                 | Secondary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> TB_C                       | Trade Balance
#> TB_R_2023                  | Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> TCC_C                      | Current and Capital Account Balance
#> TCC_R_2023                 | Current and Capital Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#>  [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics 
#> CB_ASSET_CD                | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced, current USD
#> CB_ASSET_ZS                | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced (%GDP)
#> CB_RATE                    | Central bank policy rates
#> CPI_INFL_RATE              | Consumer price index Year-on-year changes (%)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_CD            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_KN            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_ZS            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_CD             | Credit from all sectors to households (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_KN             | Credit from all sectors to households (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_ZS             | Credit from all sectors to households (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_CD          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_KN          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_ZS          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_CD      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_KN      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_CD      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (USD)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_KN      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (LCU)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_CD     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (USD)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_KN     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (LCU)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_ZS     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_GAP_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS  | Credit-to-GDP gaps (from all sectors to private non-fin sector - %GDP)
#> DEBT_SERV_HH_ZS            | Debt service ratios - households (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINFIRM_ZS     | Debt service ratios - non-fin corporations (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINPRIV_ZS     | Debt service ratios - private non-fin sector (% of income used to service debt)
#> EXCH_RATE_USD              | Exchange rates against USD (nominal value of 1 USD relative to a given currency - decrease = appreciation against the USD)
#> HOUSE_PRICE_R_2010         | Residential property prices, Real, Index, 2010 = 100
#> REER_BIS                   | Broad Real Effective Exchange Rates (measure of competitiveness - NEER as geometric trade-weighted averages of bil exch rates)
#>  ############# Yearly Data (0/888 variables) #############

# Search for GDP-related variables
wp_info(search = "GDP")
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (30/249 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> GDP_C             | GDP (current US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL          | Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL_AD       | Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU           | GDP (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU_AD        | GDP: linked series (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_2021      | GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_C         | GDP, PPP (current international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_R_2015        | GDP (constant 2015 US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_WLD_C         | World GDP (current USD - smoothed)
#> PRC_IDX_WLD                | World Price Index (GDP deflator - Real = Nominal/Price Index)
#>  [IMF IFS] Data from IMF's International Financial Statistics (IFS) 
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2010)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2018)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2022)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2000)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2007)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2016)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2005)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2012)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2015)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2014)
#> NGDP_SA_XDC       | Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#>  [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics 
#> CB_ASSET_ZS                | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_ZS            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_ZS             | Credit from all sectors to households (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_ZS          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_ZS     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_GAP_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS  | Credit-to-GDP gaps (from all sectors to private non-fin sector - %GDP)
#>  ############# Yearly Data (82/888 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> BG_GSR_NFSV_GD_ZS          | Trade in services (% of GDP)
#> BM_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS       | Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
#> BN_CAB_XOKA_GD_ZS          | Current account balance (% of GDP)
#> BX_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS       | Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
#> BX_TRF_PWKR_DT_GD_ZS       | Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)
#> CM_MKT_LCAP_GD_ZS          | Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (% of GDP)
#> CM_MKT_TRAD_GD_ZS          | Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP)
#> EG_EGY_PRIM_PP_KD          | Energy intensity level of primary energy (MJ/$2017 PPP GDP)
#> EN_ATM_CO2E_KD_GD          | CO2 emissions (kg per 2015 US$ of GDP)
#> EN_ATM_CO2E_PP_GD          | CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP)
#> EN_ATM_CO2E_PP_GD_KD       | CO2 emissions (kg per 2021 PPP $ of GDP)
#> ER_GDP_FWTL_M3_KD | Water productivity, total (constant 2015 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal)
#> FD_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS          | Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP)
#> FM_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS          | Monetary Sector credit to private sector (% GDP)
#> FM_LBL_BMNY_GD_ZS          | Broad money (% of GDP)
#> FS_AST_CGOV_GD_ZS          | Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP)
#> FS_AST_DOMS_GD_ZS          | Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP)
#> FS_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS          | Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)
#> GB_XPD_RSDV_GD_ZS          | Research and development expenditure (% of GDP)
#> GC_AST_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net acquisition of financial assets (% of GDP)
#> GC_DOD_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
#> GC_LBL_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net incurrence of liabilities, total (% of GDP)
#> GC_NFN_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net investment in nonfinancial assets (% of GDP)
#> GC_NLD_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (% of GDP)
#> GC_REV_XGRT_GD_ZS          | Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP)
#> GC_TAX_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Tax revenue (% of GDP)
#> GC_XPN_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Expense (% of GDP)
#> GDP_C_Y           | GDP (current US$)
#> GDP_DEFL_AD_Y     | Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %)
#> GDP_DEFL_Y        | Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %)
#> GDP_LCU_AD_Y      | GDP: linked series (current LCU)
#> GDP_LCU_Y         | GDP (current LCU)
#> GDP_PPP_2021_Y    | GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international $)
#> GDP_PPP_C_Y       | GDP, PPP (current international $)
#> GDP_R_2015_Y      | GDP (constant 2015 US$)
#> MS_MIL_XPND_GD_ZS          | Military expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_GOVT_ZS             | General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_PRVT_ZS             | Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_TOTL_ZS             | Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_DAB_TOTL_ZS             | Gross national expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_EXP_GNFS_ZS             | Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_FPRV_ZS             | Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_FTOT_ZS             | Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_TOTL_ZS             | Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
#> NE_IMP_GNFS_ZS             | Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_RSB_GNFS_ZS             | External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_TRD_GNFS_ZS             | Trade (% of GDP)
#> NV_AGR_TOTL_ZS             | Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_IND_MANF_ZS             | Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_IND_TOTL_ZS             | Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_SRV_TOTL_ZS             | Services, value added (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_COAL_RT_ZS | Coal rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_DEFL_ZS    | GDP deflator (base year varies by country)
#> NY_GDP_DEFL_ZS_AD | GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country)
#> NY_GDP_FCST_CD    | Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (current US$)
#> NY_GDP_FRST_RT_ZS | Forest rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_MINR_RT_ZS | Mineral rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_MKTP_KD_ZG | GDP growth (annual %)
#> NY_GDP_NGAS_RT_ZS | Natural gas rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_CD    | GDP per capita (current US$)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_KD    | GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_KD_ZG | GDP per capita growth (annual %)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_PP_CD | GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_PP_KD | GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2021 international $)
#> NY_GDP_PETR_RT_ZS | Oil rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_TOTL_RT_ZS | Total natural resources rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDS_TOTL_ZS             | Gross domestic savings (% of GDP)
#> NY_GNS_ICTR_ZS             | Gross savings (% of GDP)
#> PA_NUS_PPP                 | PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $)
#> PA_NUS_PPPC_RF             | Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate
#> SE_XPD_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
#> SH_XPD_CHEX_GD_ZS          | Current health expenditure (% of GDP)
#> SH_XPD_GHED_GD_ZS          | Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP)
#> SL_GDP_PCAP_EM_KD | GDP per person employed (constant 2021 PPP $)
#> TG_VAL_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Merchandise trade (% of GDP)
#>  [MP] Data from Maddison Project Database 2023 
#> GDP_PPP_PC_MP     | Real GDP (PPP) per capita in 2011$
#>  [JST] Data from JORDA-SCHULARICK-TAYLOR MACROHISTORY DATABASE (Jorda, et al., 2017. 'Macrofinancial History and the New Business Cycle Facts.') 
#> DEBTGDP_JST       | Public debt-to-GDP ratio
#> GDP_JST           | GDP (nominal, local currency)
#> IY_JST                     | Investment-to-GDP ratio
#> RGDPBARRO_JST     | Real GDP per capita (index, 2005=100)
#>  [BoC-BoE] Data from BoC-BoE Sovereign Default Database (Beers, Ndukwe and Charron, 2024) 
#> WLD_DEFRATE_EME            | Defaulted emerging-market public debt as a share of emerging-market GDP (excluding China) (%)
#> WLD_DEFRATE_GDP   | Defaulted global public debt as a share of world GDP   (%)

# Multiple search terms with color highlighting
wp_info(search = c("GDP", "growth"))
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (0/249 variables) #############
#>  ############# Yearly Data (2/888 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> NY_GDP_MKTP_KD_ZG | GDP growth (annual %)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_KD_ZG | GDP per capita growth (annual %)

# Display Balance of Payments relationships
wp_info(special = "BOP")
#> Warning: Terminal width (80) may be too narrow for proper display. Consider increasing with options(width = 120)
#> Short              | Symbol  | Relation               | Original                  
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#> Exports of Goods   | EXg     | EXg (included in GBT   | Current Account, Goods
#>                    |         | and then in TB)        | and Services, Goods,
#>                    |         |                        | Credit, US Dollars
#> Imports of Goods   | IMg     | IMg (included in GBT   | Current Account, Goods
#>                    |         | and then in TB)        | and Services, Goods,
#>                    |         |                        | Debit, US Dollars
#> Goods Trade        | GBT     | GBT = EXg - IMg        | Current Account, Goods
#> Balance            |         | (included in TB and    | and Services, Goods,
#>                    |         | then in GSI)           | Net, US Dollars
#> Exports of         | EXs     | EXs (included in TB)   | Current Account, Goods
#> Services           |         |                        | and Services, Services,
#>                    |         |                        | Credit, US Dollars
#> Imports of         | IMs     | IMs (included in TB)   | Current Account, Goods
#> Services           |         |                        | and Services, Services,
#>                    |         |                        | Debit, US Dollars
#> Trade Balance      | TB      | TB = (EXg - IMg) +     | Current Account, Goods
#>                    |         | (EXs - IMs) = GBT +    | and Services, Net, US
#>                    |         | (EXs - IMs)            | Dollars
#> Primary Income     | PIo     | PIo (PIi+PIo =         | Current Account, Primary
#> Payments           |         | Primary Income |       | Income, Debit, US
#>                    |         | included in CU)        | Dollars
#> Primary Income     | PIi     | PIi (PIi+PIo =         | Current Account, Primary
#> Received           |         | Primary Income |       | Income, Credit, US
#>                    |         | included in CU)        | Dollars
#> Secondary Income   | SIo     | SIo (SIi+SIo =         | Current Account,
#> Payments           |         | Secondary Income |     | Secondary Income, Debit,
#>                    |         | included in CU)        | US Dollars
#> Secondary Income   | SIi     | SIi (SIi+SIo =         | Secondary Income, Credit
#> Received           |         | Secondary Income |     | (Excluding Exceptional
#>                    |         | included in CU)        | Financing), US Dollars
#> Goods, Services,   | GSI     | GSI = TB + (PIi - PIo) | Balance on Goods,
#> and Primary        |         |                        | Services, and Income, US
#> Income Balance     |         |                        | Dollars
#> Current Account    | CU      | CU = GSI + (SIi - SIo) | Current Account, Net
#> Balance            |         |                        | (Excluding Exceptional
#>                    |         |                        | Financing), US Dollars
#> Capital Account    | CAo     | CAo (included in CA)   | Capital Account, Total,
#> Outflow            |         |                        | Debit, US Dollars
#> Capital Account    | CAi     | CAi (included in CA)   | Capital Account, Credit
#> Inflow (Excl.      |         |                        | (Excludes Reserves and
#> Reserves)          |         |                        | Related Items), US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Capital Account    | CA      | CA = CAi - CAo |       | Capital Account
#> Balance (Excl.     |         | included in TCC        | (Excludes Reserves and
#> Reserves)          |         |                        | Related Items), US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Outward Direct     | oDID    | oDID (subset of oFDI)  | Financial Account, Net
#> Investment (Debt)  |         |                        | Lending (+) / Net
#>                    |         |                        | Borrowing (-) (Balance
#>                    |         |                        | from Financial Account),
#>                    |         |                        | Direct Investment, Net
#>                    |         |                        | Acquisition of Financial
#>                    |         |                        | Assets, Debt
#>                    |         |                        | Instruments, US Dollars
#> Outward Direct     | oDIE    | oDIE (subset of oFDI)  | Financial Account, Net
#> Investment         |         |                        | Lending (+) / Net
#> (Equity & Funds)   |         |                        | Borrowing (-) (Balance
#>                    |         |                        | from Financial Account),
#>                    |         |                        | Direct Investment, Net
#>                    |         |                        | Acquisition of Financial
#>                    |         |                        | Assets, Equity and
#>                    |         |                        | Investment Fund Shares,
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Outward FDI        | oFDI    | oFDI = oDID + oDIE     | Financial Account, Net
#>                    |         |                        | Lending (+) / Net
#>                    |         |                        | Borrowing (-) (Balance
#>                    |         |                        | from Financial Account),
#>                    |         |                        | Direct Investment, Net
#>                    |         |                        | Acquisition of Financial
#>                    |         |                        | Assets, US Dollars
#> Inward Direct      | iDID    | iDID (subset of iFDI)  | Direct Investment: Net
#> Investment (Debt)  |         |                        | Incurrence of
#>                    |         |                        | Liabilities: Debt
#>                    |         |                        | Instruments (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Exceptional Financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Inward Direct      | iDIE    | iDIE (subset of iFDI)  | Direct Investment, Net
#> Investment         |         |                        | Incurrence of
#> (Equity & Funds)   |         |                        | Liabilities, Equity and
#>                    |         |                        | Investment Fund Shares
#>                    |         |                        | (Excluding Exceptional
#>                    |         |                        | Financing), US Dollars
#> Inward FDI         | iFDI    | iFDI = iDID + iDIE     | Direct Investment, Net
#>                    |         |                        | Incurrence of
#>                    |         |                        | Liabilities (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Exceptional Financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Debt Securities    | oPORD   | oPORD (subset of oPOR) | Financial Account,
#> Acquired           |         |                        | Portfolio Investment,
#>                    |         |                        | Net Acquisition of
#>                    |         |                        | Financial Assets, Debt
#>                    |         |                        | Securities, US Dollars
#> Equity and         | oPORE   | oPORE (subset of oPOR) | Financial Account,
#> Investment Funds   |         |                        | Portfolio Investment,
#> Acquired           |         |                        | Net Acquisition of
#>                    |         |                        | Financial Assets, Equity
#>                    |         |                        | and Investment Fund
#>                    |         |                        | Shares, US Dollars
#> Outward Portfolio  | oPOR    | oPOR = oPORD + oPORE   | Financial Account,
#> Investments        |         |                        | Portfolio Investment,
#> (Acquired)         |         |                        | Net Acquisition of
#>                    |         |                        | Financial Assets, US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Debt Securities    | iPORD   | iPORD (subset of iPOR) | Portfolio Investment,
#> Incurred           |         |                        | Net Incurrence of
#>                    |         |                        | Liabilities, Debt
#>                    |         |                        | Securities (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Exceptional Financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Equity and         | iPORE   | iPORE (subset of iPOR) | Portfolio Investment,
#> Investment Funds   |         |                        | Net Incurrence of
#> Incurred           |         |                        | Liabilities, Equity
#>                    |         |                        | Securities (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Exceptional Financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Inward Portfolio   | iPOR    | iPOR = iPORD + iPORE   | Portfolio Investment,
#> Investments        |         |                        | Net Incurrence of
#> (Incurred)         |         |                        | Liabilities (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Exceptional Financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Financial          | iDER    | iDER (included in DER) | Financial Account,
#> Derivatives and    |         |                        | Financial Derivatives
#> Stock Options      |         |                        | (Other Than Reserves)
#> Liabilities        |         |                        | and Employee Stock
#>                    |         |                        | Options, Net Incurrence
#>                    |         |                        | of Liabilities, US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Financial          | oDER    | oDER (included in DER) | Financial Account,
#> Derivatives and    |         |                        | Financial Derivatives
#> Stock Options      |         |                        | (Other Than Reserves)
#> Assets             |         |                        | and Employee Stock
#>                    |         |                        | Options, Net Acquisition
#>                    |         |                        | of Financial Assets, US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Net Financial      | DER     | DER = oDER - iDER      | Financial Account,
#> Derivatives and    |         | (included in FA)       | Financial Derivatives
#> Stock Options      |         |                        | (Other Than Reserves)
#>                    |         |                        | and Employee Stock
#>                    |         |                        | Options, US Dollars
#> Other Debt         | oOID    | oOID (included in oOI  | Financial Account, Other
#> Instruments        |         | | include bank loans)  | Investment, Net
#> Acquired           |         |                        | Acquisition of Financial
#>                    |         |                        | Assets, Debt
#>                    |         |                        | Instruments, US Dollars
#> Other Equity       | oOIE    | oOIE (included in oOI) | Financial Account, Other
#> Acquired           |         |                        | Investment, Other
#>                    |         |                        | Equity, Net Acquisition
#>                    |         |                        | of Financial Assets, US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Other Investments  | oOI     | oOI ~= oOID + oOIE     | Financial Account, Other
#> Acquired           |         |                        | Investment, Net
#>                    |         |                        | Acquisition of Financial
#>                    |         |                        | Assets, US Dollars
#> Other Debt         | iOID    | iOID (included in iOI  | Other Investment: Net
#> Instruments        |         | | include bank loans   | Incurrence of
#> Incurred           |         |                        | Liabilities, Debt
#>                    |         |                        | Instruments (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Exceptional Financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Other Equity       | iOIE    | iOIE (included in iOI) | Other Investment: Other
#> Incurred           |         |                        | Equity: Net Incurrence
#>                    |         |                        | of Liabilities
#>                    |         |                        | (Excluding Exceptional
#>                    |         |                        | Financing), US Dollars
#> Other Investments  | iOI     | iOI ~= iOID + iOIE     | Financial Account, Net
#> Incurred           |         |                        | (excluding exceptional
#>                    |         |                        | financing), Other
#>                    |         |                        | investment, Net
#>                    |         |                        | incurrence of
#>                    |         |                        | liabilities (excluding
#>                    |         |                        | exceptional financing),
#>                    |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Financial Account  | FA      | FA(excl.ExF) = FDI +   | Financial Account, Net
#> Balance (Excl.     |         | POR + OI + DER         | (Excluding Exceptional
#> Excep. Financing)  |         |                        | Financing), US Dollars
#> Exceptional        | ExF     | ExF (included in FA)   | Exceptional Financing,
#> Financing          |         |                        | US Dollars
#> Change in Foreign  | FER     | FER (includes imfRE)   | Reserves and Related
#> Exchange Reserves  |         |                        | items, US Dollars
#> Change in IMF      | imfRE   | imfRE (subset of FER)  | Reserve Assets (with
#> Reserve Assets     |         |                        | Fund Record), US Dollars
#> Net IMF Credit     | imfCL   | imfCL                  | Net Credit and Loans
#> and Loans          |         |                        | from the IMF (Excluding
#>                    |         |                        | Reserve Position), US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Current and        | TCC     | TCC = CU + CA          | Total Current + Capital
#> Capital Account    |         |                        | Account, US Dollars
#> Balance            |         |                        | 
#> Errors and         | EO      | EO | theory: BP + EO   | Errors and Omissions
#> Omissions          |         | = 0                    | (with Fund Record), US
#>                    |         |                        | Dollars
#> Overall Balance    | BP      | BP = CU + CA +         | Current Acct + Capital
#> of Payments        |         | (FA+ExF) | theory: BP  | Acct + Financial Acct,
#> (Should be 0)      |         | + EO = 0               | US Dollars

# Common workflow with wp_data()
# 1. Discover available GDP variables
wp_info(search = "GDP")
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (30/249 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> GDP_C             | GDP (current US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL          | Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_DEFL_AD       | Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU           | GDP (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_LCU_AD        | GDP: linked series (current LCU) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_2021      | GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_PPP_C         | GDP, PPP (current international $) (smoothed)
#> GDP_R_2015        | GDP (constant 2015 US$) (smoothed)
#> GDP_WLD_C         | World GDP (current USD - smoothed)
#> PRC_IDX_WLD                | World Price Index (GDP deflator - Real = Nominal/Price Index)
#>  [IMF IFS] Data from IMF's International Financial Statistics (IFS) 
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2010)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2018)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2022)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2000)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2007)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2016)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2005)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2012)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2015)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2014)
#> NGDP_SA_XDC       | Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#>  [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics 
#> CB_ASSET_ZS                | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_ZS            | Credit from all sectors to central govt (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_ZS             | Credit from all sectors to households (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_ZS          | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS      | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_ZS     | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_GAP_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS  | Credit-to-GDP gaps (from all sectors to private non-fin sector - %GDP)
#>  ############# Yearly Data (82/888 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> BG_GSR_NFSV_GD_ZS          | Trade in services (% of GDP)
#> BM_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS       | Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
#> BN_CAB_XOKA_GD_ZS          | Current account balance (% of GDP)
#> BX_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS       | Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
#> BX_TRF_PWKR_DT_GD_ZS       | Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)
#> CM_MKT_LCAP_GD_ZS          | Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (% of GDP)
#> CM_MKT_TRAD_GD_ZS          | Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP)
#> EG_EGY_PRIM_PP_KD          | Energy intensity level of primary energy (MJ/$2017 PPP GDP)
#> EN_ATM_CO2E_KD_GD          | CO2 emissions (kg per 2015 US$ of GDP)
#> EN_ATM_CO2E_PP_GD          | CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP)
#> EN_ATM_CO2E_PP_GD_KD       | CO2 emissions (kg per 2021 PPP $ of GDP)
#> ER_GDP_FWTL_M3_KD | Water productivity, total (constant 2015 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal)
#> FD_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS          | Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP)
#> FM_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS          | Monetary Sector credit to private sector (% GDP)
#> FM_LBL_BMNY_GD_ZS          | Broad money (% of GDP)
#> FS_AST_CGOV_GD_ZS          | Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP)
#> FS_AST_DOMS_GD_ZS          | Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP)
#> FS_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS          | Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)
#> GB_XPD_RSDV_GD_ZS          | Research and development expenditure (% of GDP)
#> GC_AST_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net acquisition of financial assets (% of GDP)
#> GC_DOD_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
#> GC_LBL_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net incurrence of liabilities, total (% of GDP)
#> GC_NFN_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net investment in nonfinancial assets (% of GDP)
#> GC_NLD_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (% of GDP)
#> GC_REV_XGRT_GD_ZS          | Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP)
#> GC_TAX_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Tax revenue (% of GDP)
#> GC_XPN_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Expense (% of GDP)
#> GDP_C_Y           | GDP (current US$)
#> GDP_DEFL_AD_Y     | Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %)
#> GDP_DEFL_Y        | Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %)
#> GDP_LCU_AD_Y      | GDP: linked series (current LCU)
#> GDP_LCU_Y         | GDP (current LCU)
#> GDP_PPP_2021_Y    | GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international $)
#> GDP_PPP_C_Y       | GDP, PPP (current international $)
#> GDP_R_2015_Y      | GDP (constant 2015 US$)
#> MS_MIL_XPND_GD_ZS          | Military expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_GOVT_ZS             | General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_PRVT_ZS             | Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_TOTL_ZS             | Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_DAB_TOTL_ZS             | Gross national expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_EXP_GNFS_ZS             | Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_FPRV_ZS             | Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_FTOT_ZS             | Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_TOTL_ZS             | Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
#> NE_IMP_GNFS_ZS             | Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_RSB_GNFS_ZS             | External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_TRD_GNFS_ZS             | Trade (% of GDP)
#> NV_AGR_TOTL_ZS             | Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_IND_MANF_ZS             | Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_IND_TOTL_ZS             | Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_SRV_TOTL_ZS             | Services, value added (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_COAL_RT_ZS | Coal rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_DEFL_ZS    | GDP deflator (base year varies by country)
#> NY_GDP_DEFL_ZS_AD | GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country)
#> NY_GDP_FCST_CD    | Gross value added at basic prices (GVA) (current US$)
#> NY_GDP_FRST_RT_ZS | Forest rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_MINR_RT_ZS | Mineral rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_MKTP_KD_ZG | GDP growth (annual %)
#> NY_GDP_NGAS_RT_ZS | Natural gas rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_CD    | GDP per capita (current US$)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_KD    | GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_KD_ZG | GDP per capita growth (annual %)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_PP_CD | GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
#> NY_GDP_PCAP_PP_KD | GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2021 international $)
#> NY_GDP_PETR_RT_ZS | Oil rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_TOTL_RT_ZS | Total natural resources rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDS_TOTL_ZS             | Gross domestic savings (% of GDP)
#> NY_GNS_ICTR_ZS             | Gross savings (% of GDP)
#> PA_NUS_PPP                 | PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $)
#> PA_NUS_PPPC_RF             | Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate
#> SE_XPD_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
#> SH_XPD_CHEX_GD_ZS          | Current health expenditure (% of GDP)
#> SH_XPD_GHED_GD_ZS          | Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP)
#> SL_GDP_PCAP_EM_KD | GDP per person employed (constant 2021 PPP $)
#> TG_VAL_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Merchandise trade (% of GDP)
#>  [MP] Data from Maddison Project Database 2023 
#> GDP_PPP_PC_MP     | Real GDP (PPP) per capita in 2011$
#>  [JST] Data from JORDA-SCHULARICK-TAYLOR MACROHISTORY DATABASE (Jorda, et al., 2017. 'Macrofinancial History and the New Business Cycle Facts.') 
#> DEBTGDP_JST       | Public debt-to-GDP ratio
#> GDP_JST           | GDP (nominal, local currency)
#> IY_JST                     | Investment-to-GDP ratio
#> RGDPBARRO_JST     | Real GDP per capita (index, 2005=100)
#>  [BoC-BoE] Data from BoC-BoE Sovereign Default Database (Beers, Ndukwe and Charron, 2024) 
#> WLD_DEFRATE_EME            | Defaulted emerging-market public debt as a share of emerging-market GDP (excluding China) (%)
#> WLD_DEFRATE_GDP   | Defaulted global public debt as a share of world GDP   (%)
# 2. Use discovered variable in wp_data
wp_data(ISO = "USA", 
        formula = "GDP_R_2015", 
        years = c(2000, 2023))
#>  [Step 1] Input Validation. 
#>  [Step 2] Data Filtering (ISO codes, Symbols, and Years). 
#>  [Steps 3 to 7] Loop through each formula. 
#>   ---  Step 3-4: Formula: GDP_R_2015  --  Symbols: GDP_R_2015 (Q)   
#>   ---  Step 5: Adjust frequencies. 
#>   ---  Step 6-7: Data Processing (Loop for each country). 
#>   ---   
#>  [Step 10] Clean database [remove NAs in output] - clean is TRUE. 
#>    ISO   Variable   Date        Value             Reference
#> 1  USA GDP_R_2015 2000Q1 1.349076e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 2  USA GDP_R_2015 2000Q2 1.363379e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 3  USA GDP_R_2015 2000Q3 1.369321e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 4  USA GDP_R_2015 2000Q4 1.377302e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 5  USA GDP_R_2015 2001Q1 1.379341e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 6  USA GDP_R_2015 2001Q2 1.384639e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 7  USA GDP_R_2015 2001Q3 1.387897e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 8  USA GDP_R_2015 2001Q4 1.394819e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 9  USA GDP_R_2015 2002Q1 1.398482e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 10 USA GDP_R_2015 2002Q2 1.407738e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 11 USA GDP_R_2015 2002Q3 1.413331e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 12 USA GDP_R_2015 2002Q4 1.425049e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 13 USA GDP_R_2015 2003Q1 1.431174e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 14 USA GDP_R_2015 2003Q2 1.445751e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 15 USA GDP_R_2015 2003Q3 1.454203e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 16 USA GDP_R_2015 2003Q4 1.471320e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 17 USA GDP_R_2015 2004Q1 1.479986e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 18 USA GDP_R_2015 2004Q2 1.498259e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 19 USA GDP_R_2015 2004Q3 1.507866e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 20 USA GDP_R_2015 2004Q4 1.525621e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 21 USA GDP_R_2015 2005Q1 1.533768e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 22 USA GDP_R_2015 2005Q2 1.550422e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 23 USA GDP_R_2015 2005Q3 1.558929e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 24 USA GDP_R_2015 2005Q4 1.574175e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 25 USA GDP_R_2015 2006Q1 1.580914e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 26 USA GDP_R_2015 2006Q2 1.594353e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 27 USA GDP_R_2015 2006Q3 1.601052e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 28 USA GDP_R_2015 2006Q4 1.612737e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 29 USA GDP_R_2015 2007Q1 1.617722e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 30 USA GDP_R_2015 2007Q2 1.625720e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 31 USA GDP_R_2015 2007Q3 1.628733e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 32 USA GDP_R_2015 2007Q4 1.632035e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 33 USA GDP_R_2015 2008Q1 1.632323e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 34 USA GDP_R_2015 2008Q2 1.629036e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 35 USA GDP_R_2015 2008Q3 1.625460e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 36 USA GDP_R_2015 2008Q4 1.615339e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 37 USA GDP_R_2015 2009Q1 1.608794e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 38 USA GDP_R_2015 2009Q2 1.602320e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 39 USA GDP_R_2015 2009Q3 1.602392e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 40 USA GDP_R_2015 2009Q4 1.609134e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 41 USA GDP_R_2015 2010Q1 1.615804e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 42 USA GDP_R_2015 2010Q2 1.628558e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 43 USA GDP_R_2015 2010Q3 1.634642e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 44 USA GDP_R_2015 2010Q4 1.644702e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 45 USA GDP_R_2015 2011Q1 1.648678e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 46 USA GDP_R_2015 2011Q2 1.658303e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 47 USA GDP_R_2015 2011Q3 1.663952e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 48 USA GDP_R_2015 2011Q4 1.675509e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 49 USA GDP_R_2015 2012Q1 1.681419e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 50 USA GDP_R_2015 2012Q2 1.693900e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 51 USA GDP_R_2015 2012Q3 1.700472e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 52 USA GDP_R_2015 2012Q4 1.712636e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 53 USA GDP_R_2015 2013Q1 1.718228e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 54 USA GDP_R_2015 2013Q2 1.730905e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 55 USA GDP_R_2015 2013Q3 1.737989e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 56 USA GDP_R_2015 2013Q4 1.751878e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 57 USA GDP_R_2015 2014Q1 1.758684e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 58 USA GDP_R_2015 2014Q2 1.774031e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 59 USA GDP_R_2015 2014Q3 1.782572e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 60 USA GDP_R_2015 2014Q4 1.799257e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 61 USA GDP_R_2015 2015Q1 1.807400e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 62 USA GDP_R_2015 2015Q2 1.823155e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 63 USA GDP_R_2015 2015Q3 1.830767e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 64 USA GDP_R_2015 2015Q4 1.843556e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 65 USA GDP_R_2015 2016Q1 1.848734e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 66 USA GDP_R_2015 2016Q2 1.860940e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 67 USA GDP_R_2015 2016Q3 1.867969e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 68 USA GDP_R_2015 2016Q4 1.882118e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 69 USA GDP_R_2015 2017Q1 1.889240e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 70 USA GDP_R_2015 2017Q2 1.905463e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 71 USA GDP_R_2015 2017Q3 1.914565e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 72 USA GDP_R_2015 2017Q4 1.932474e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 73 USA GDP_R_2015 2018Q1 1.941282e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 74 USA GDP_R_2015 2018Q2 1.959431e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 75 USA GDP_R_2015 2018Q3 1.968773e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 76 USA GDP_R_2015 2018Q4 1.985657e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 77 USA GDP_R_2015 2019Q1 1.993199e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 78 USA GDP_R_2015 2019Q2 2.001088e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 79 USA GDP_R_2015 2019Q3 2.001435e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 80 USA GDP_R_2015 2019Q4 1.994850e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 81 USA GDP_R_2015 2020Q1 1.987916e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 82 USA GDP_R_2015 2020Q2 1.987173e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 83 USA GDP_R_2015 2020Q3 1.993363e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 84 USA GDP_R_2015 2020Q4 2.017320e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 85 USA GDP_R_2015 2021Q1 2.035086e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 86 USA GDP_R_2015 2021Q2 2.066588e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 87 USA GDP_R_2015 2021Q3 2.080325e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 88 USA GDP_R_2015 2021Q4 2.100334e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 89 USA GDP_R_2015 2022Q1 2.106606e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 90 USA GDP_R_2015 2022Q2 2.121262e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 91 USA GDP_R_2015 2022Q3 2.129646e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 92 USA GDP_R_2015 2022Q4 2.146430e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 93 USA GDP_R_2015 2023Q1 2.154829e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 94 USA GDP_R_2015 2023Q2 2.168029e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 95 USA GDP_R_2015 2023Q3 2.177628e+13 World Bank Indicators
#> 96 USA GDP_R_2015 2023Q4 2.177628e+13 World Bank Indicators

# Combined origin and search filters
wp_info(origin = "IMF BOP", search = "investment")
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (20/249 variables) #############
#>  [IMF BOP] Data from IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position 
#> iDID_C                     | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> iDID_R_2023                | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDIE_C                     | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> iDIE_R_2023                | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOI_C                      | Other Investments Incurred
#> iOI_R_2023                 | Other Investments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPOR_C                     | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)
#> iPOR_R_2023                | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORE_C                    | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred
#> iPORE_R_2023               | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDID_C                     | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)
#> oDID_R_2023                | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDIE_C                     | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)
#> oDIE_R_2023                | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOI_C                      | Other Investments Acquired
#> oOI_R_2023                 | Other Investments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPOR_C                     | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)
#> oPOR_R_2023                | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORE_C                    | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired
#> oPORE_R_2023               | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#>  ############# Yearly Data (0/888 variables) #############

# Search for percentage indicators
wp_info(search = "_ZS")
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (11/249 variables) #############
#>  [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics 
#> CB_ASSET_ZS       | Central bank, assets, total, BIS-spliced (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_GVT_ZS   | Credit from all sectors to central govt (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_HH_ZS    | Credit from all sectors to households (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFIN_ZS | Credit from all sectors to non-financial sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINFIRM_ZS | Credit from all sectors to non-fin corporations (%GDP)
#> CRED_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Credit from all sectors to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_BANK_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Credit from banks to private non-fin sector (%GDP)
#> CRED_GAP_ALL_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Credit-to-GDP gaps (from all sectors to private non-fin sector - %GDP)
#> DEBT_SERV_HH_ZS   | Debt service ratios - households (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINFIRM_ZS | Debt service ratios - non-fin corporations (% of income used to service debt)
#> DEBT_SERV_NOFINPRIV_ZS | Debt service ratios - private non-fin sector (% of income used to service debt)
#>  ############# Yearly Data (389/888 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> AG_CON_FERT_ZS    | Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land)
#> AG_LND_CROP_ZS    | Permanent cropland (% of land area)
#> AG_LND_FRST_ZS    | Forest area (% of land area)
#> AG_LND_TRAC_ZS    | Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land
#> BG_GSR_NFSV_GD_ZS | Trade in services (% of GDP)
#> BM_GSR_CMCP_ZS    | Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP)
#> BM_GSR_INSF_ZS    | Insurance and financial services (% of service imports, BoP)
#> BM_GSR_TRAN_ZS    | Transport services (% of service imports, BoP)
#> BM_GSR_TRVL_ZS    | Travel services (% of service imports, BoP)
#> BM_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS | Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
#> BN_CAB_XOKA_GD_ZS | Current account balance (% of GDP)
#> BX_GSR_CCIS_ZS    | ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP)
#> BX_GSR_CMCP_ZS    | Communications, computer, etc. (% of service exports, BoP)
#> BX_GSR_INSF_ZS    | Insurance and financial services (% of service exports, BoP)
#> BX_GSR_TRAN_ZS    | Transport services (% of service exports, BoP)
#> BX_GSR_TRVL_ZS    | Travel services (% of service exports, BoP)
#> BX_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS | Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
#> BX_TRF_PWKR_DT_GD_ZS | Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)
#> CM_MKT_LCAP_GD_ZS | Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (% of GDP)
#> CM_MKT_TRAD_GD_ZS | Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP)
#> DT_DOD_DECT_GN_ZS | External debt stocks (% of GNI)
#> DT_DOD_DSTC_IR_ZS | Short-term debt (% of total reserves)
#> DT_DOD_DSTC_XP_ZS | Short-term debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
#> DT_DOD_DSTC_ZS    | Short-term debt (% of total external debt)
#> DT_ODA_ODAT_GI_ZS | Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation)
#> DT_ODA_ODAT_GN_ZS | Net ODA received (% of GNI)
#> DT_ODA_ODAT_MP_ZS | Net ODA received (% of imports of goods, services and primary income)
#> DT_ODA_ODAT_XP_ZS | Net ODA received (% of central government expense)
#> DT_TDS_DECT_EX_ZS | Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
#> DT_TDS_DECT_GN_ZS | Total debt service (% of GNI)
#> DT_TDS_DPPF_XP_ZS | Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports of goods, services and primary income)
#> DT_TDS_DPPG_GN_ZS | Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of GNI)
#> DT_TDS_DPPG_XP_ZS | Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
#> DT_TDS_MLAT_PG_ZS | Multilateral debt service (% of public and publicly guaranteed debt service)
#> EG_CFT_ACCS_ZS    | Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (% of population)
#> EG_ELC_ACCS_RU_ZS | Access to electricity, rural (% of rural population)
#> EG_ELC_ACCS_UR_ZS | Access to electricity, urban (% of urban population)
#> EG_ELC_ACCS_ZS    | Access to electricity (% of population)
#> EG_ELC_COAL_ZS    | Electricity production from coal sources (% of total)
#> EG_ELC_FOSL_ZS    | Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total)
#> EG_ELC_HYRO_ZS    | Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total)
#> EG_ELC_LOSS_ZS    | Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output)
#> EG_ELC_NGAS_ZS    | Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total)
#> EG_ELC_NUCL_ZS    | Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total)
#> EG_ELC_PETR_ZS    | Electricity production from oil sources (% of total)
#> EG_ELC_RNEW_ZS    | Renewable electricity output (% of total electricity output)
#> EG_ELC_RNWX_ZS    | Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)
#> EG_FEC_RNEW_ZS    | Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption)
#> EG_IMP_CONS_ZS    | Energy imports, net (% of energy use)
#> EG_USE_COMM_CL_ZS | Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)
#> EG_USE_COMM_FO_ZS | Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)
#> EG_USE_CRNW_ZS    | Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)
#> EN_ATM_METH_AG_ZS | Agricultural methane emissions (% of total)
#> EN_ATM_METH_EG_ZS | Energy related methane emissions (% of total)
#> EN_ATM_NOXE_AG_ZS | Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total)
#> EN_ATM_NOXE_EG_ZS | Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (% of total)
#> EN_CO2_BLDG_ZS    | CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion)
#> EN_CO2_ETOT_ZS    | CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (% of total fuel combustion)
#> EN_CO2_MANF_ZS    | CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (% of total fuel combustion)
#> EN_CO2_OTHX_ZS    | CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion)
#> EN_CO2_TRAN_ZS    | CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion)
#> EN_URB_LCTY_UR_ZS | Population in the largest city (% of urban population)
#> EN_URB_MCTY_TL_ZS | Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population)
#> ER_H2O_FWAG_ZS    | Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal)
#> ER_H2O_FWDM_ZS    | Annual freshwater withdrawals, domestic (% of total freshwater withdrawal)
#> ER_H2O_FWIN_ZS    | Annual freshwater withdrawals, industry (% of total freshwater withdrawal)
#> ER_H2O_FWST_ZS    | Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
#> ER_H2O_FWTL_ZS    | Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources)
#> FB_AST_NPER_ZS    | Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%)
#> FB_BNK_CAPA_ZS    | Bank capital to assets ratio (%)
#> FD_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS | Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP)
#> FD_RES_LIQU_AS_ZS | Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%)
#> FI_RES_TOTL_DT_ZS | Total reserves (% of total external debt)
#> FM_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS | Monetary Sector credit to private sector (% GDP)
#> FM_LBL_BMNY_GD_ZS | Broad money (% of GDP)
#> FM_LBL_BMNY_IR_ZS | Broad money to total reserves ratio
#> FS_AST_CGOV_GD_ZS | Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP)
#> FS_AST_DOMS_GD_ZS | Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP)
#> FS_AST_PRVT_GD_ZS | Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)
#> GB_XPD_RSDV_GD_ZS | Research and development expenditure (% of GDP)
#> GC_AST_TOTL_GD_ZS | Net acquisition of financial assets (% of GDP)
#> GC_DOD_TOTL_GD_ZS | Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
#> GC_LBL_TOTL_GD_ZS | Net incurrence of liabilities, total (% of GDP)
#> GC_NFN_TOTL_GD_ZS | Net investment in nonfinancial assets (% of GDP)
#> GC_NLD_TOTL_GD_ZS | Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (% of GDP)
#> GC_REV_GOTR_ZS    | Grants and other revenue (% of revenue)
#> GC_REV_SOCL_ZS    | Social contributions (% of revenue)
#> GC_REV_XGRT_GD_ZS | Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP)
#> GC_TAX_EXPT_ZS    | Taxes on exports (% of tax revenue)
#> GC_TAX_GSRV_RV_ZS | Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue)
#> GC_TAX_GSRV_VA_ZS | Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services)
#> GC_TAX_IMPT_ZS    | Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue)
#> GC_TAX_INTT_RV_ZS | Taxes on international trade (% of revenue)
#> GC_TAX_OTHR_RV_ZS | Other taxes (% of revenue)
#> GC_TAX_TOTL_GD_ZS | Tax revenue (% of GDP)
#> GC_TAX_YPKG_RV_ZS | Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenue)
#> GC_TAX_YPKG_ZS    | Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes)
#> GC_XPN_COMP_ZS    | Compensation of employees (% of expense)
#> GC_XPN_GSRV_ZS    | Goods and services expense (% of expense)
#> GC_XPN_INTP_RV_ZS | Interest payments (% of revenue)
#> GC_XPN_INTP_ZS    | Interest payments (% of expense)
#> GC_XPN_OTHR_ZS    | Other expense (% of expense)
#> GC_XPN_TOTL_GD_ZS | Expense (% of GDP)
#> GC_XPN_TRFT_ZS    | Subsidies and other transfers (% of expense)
#> IC_BUS_NDNS_ZS    | New business density (new registrations per 1,000 people ages 15-64)
#> IC_TAX_LABR_CP_ZS | Labor tax and contributions (% of commercial profits)
#> IC_TAX_OTHR_CP_ZS | Other taxes payable by businesses (% of commercial profits)
#> IC_TAX_PRFT_CP_ZS | Profit tax (% of commercial profits)
#> IC_TAX_TOTL_CP_ZS | Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit)
#> IT_NET_USER_ZS    | Individuals using the Internet (% of population)
#> MS_MIL_TOTL_TF_ZS | Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force)
#> MS_MIL_XPND_GD_ZS | Military expenditure (% of GDP)
#> MS_MIL_XPND_ZS    | Military expenditure (% of general government expenditure)
#> NE_CON_GOVT_ZS    | General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_PRVT_ZS    | Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_CON_TOTL_ZS    | Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_DAB_TOTL_ZS    | Gross national expenditure (% of GDP)
#> NE_EXP_GNFS_ZS    | Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_FPRV_ZS    | Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_FTOT_ZS    | Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP)
#> NE_GDI_TOTL_ZS    | Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
#> NE_IMP_GNFS_ZS    | Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_RSB_GNFS_ZS    | External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)
#> NE_TRD_GNFS_ZS    | Trade (% of GDP)
#> NV_AGR_TOTL_ZS    | Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_IND_MANF_ZS    | Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_IND_TOTL_ZS    | Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)
#> NV_MNF_CHEM_ZS_UN | Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing)
#> NV_MNF_FBTO_ZS_UN | Food, beverages and tobacco (% of value added in manufacturing)
#> NV_MNF_MTRN_ZS_UN | Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in manufacturing)
#> NV_MNF_OTHR_ZS_UN | Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing)
#> NV_MNF_TECH_ZS_UN | Medium and high-tech manufacturing value added (% manufacturing value added)
#> NV_MNF_TXTL_ZS_UN | Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing)
#> NV_SRV_TOTL_ZS    | Services, value added (% of GDP)
#> NY_ADJ_AEDU_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: education expenditure (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DCO2_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DFOR_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DKAP_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DMIN_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DNGY_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DPEM_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_DRES_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_ICTR_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: gross savings (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_NNAT_GN_ZS | Adjusted savings: net national savings (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_SVNG_GN_ZS | Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
#> NY_ADJ_SVNX_GN_ZS | Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
#> NY_GDP_COAL_RT_ZS | Coal rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_DEFL_ZS    | GDP deflator (base year varies by country)
#> NY_GDP_DEFL_ZS_AD | GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country)
#> NY_GDP_FRST_RT_ZS | Forest rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_MINR_RT_ZS | Mineral rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_NGAS_RT_ZS | Natural gas rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_PETR_RT_ZS | Oil rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDP_TOTL_RT_ZS | Total natural resources rents (% of GDP)
#> NY_GDS_TOTL_ZS    | Gross domestic savings (% of GDP)
#> NY_GNS_ICTR_GN_ZS | Gross savings (% of GNI)
#> NY_GNS_ICTR_ZS    | Gross savings (% of GDP)
#> SE_ADT_1524_LT_FE_ZS | Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24)
#> SE_ADT_1524_LT_ZS | Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)
#> SE_ADT_LITR_FE_ZS | Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above)
#> SE_ADT_LITR_MA_ZS | Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
#> SE_ADT_LITR_ZS    | Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)
#> SE_ENR_PRIM_FM_ZS | School enrollment, primary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
#> SE_ENR_PRSC_FM_ZS | School enrollment, primary and secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
#> SE_ENR_SECO_FM_ZS | School enrollment, secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
#> SE_ENR_TERT_FM_ZS | School enrollment, tertiary (gross), gender parity index (GPI)
#> SE_PRE_ENRL_TC_ZS | Pupil-teacher ratio, preprimary
#> SE_PRM_CMPT_FE_ZS | Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group)
#> SE_PRM_CMPT_MA_ZS | Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group)
#> SE_PRM_CMPT_ZS    | Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
#> SE_PRM_ENRL_FE_ZS | Primary education, pupils (% female)
#> SE_PRM_ENRL_TC_ZS | Pupil-teacher ratio, primary
#> SE_PRM_PRSL_ZS    | Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort)
#> SE_PRM_UNER_FE_ZS | Children out of school, female (% of female primary school age)
#> SE_PRM_UNER_MA_ZS | Children out of school, male (% of male primary school age)
#> SE_PRM_UNER_ZS    | Children out of school (% of primary school age)
#> SE_SEC_CMPT_LO_ZS | Lower secondary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
#> SE_SEC_CUAT_LO_ZS | Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)
#> SE_SEC_ENRL_GC_FE_ZS | Secondary education, general pupils (% female)
#> SE_SEC_ENRL_TC_ZS | Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary
#> SE_SEC_UNER_LO_FE_ZS | Adolescents out of school, female (% of female lower secondary school age)
#> SE_SEC_UNER_LO_MA_ZS | Adolescents out of school, male (% of male lower secondary school age)
#> SE_SEC_UNER_LO_ZS | Adolescents out of school (% of lower secondary school age)
#> SE_TER_TCHR_FE_ZS | Tertiary education, academic staff (% female)
#> SE_XPD_CTOT_ZS    | Current education expenditure, total (% of total expenditure in public institutions)
#> SE_XPD_TOTL_GB_ZS | Government expenditure on education, total (% of government expenditure)
#> SE_XPD_TOTL_GD_ZS | Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
#> SG_GEN_PARL_ZS    | Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)
#> SG_VAW_ARGU_ZS    | Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she argues with him (%)
#> SG_VAW_BURN_ZS    | Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she burns the food (%)
#> SG_VAW_GOES_ZS    | Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she goes out without telling him (%)
#> SG_VAW_NEGL_ZS    | Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she neglects the children (%)
#> SG_VAW_REAS_ZS    | Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife (any of five reasons) (%)
#> SG_VAW_REFU_ZS    | Women who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife when she refuses sex with him (%)
#> SH_DTH_COMM_ZS    | Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total)
#> SH_DYN_AIDS_FE_ZS | Women's share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%)
#> SH_DYN_AIDS_ZS    | Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49)
#> SH_DYN_NCOM_ZS    | Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70 (%)
#> SH_H2O_BASW_ZS    | People using at least basic drinking water services (% of population)
#> SH_H2O_SMDW_ZS    | People using safely managed drinking water services (% of population)
#> SH_HIV_INCD_ZS    | Incidence of HIV, ages 15-49 (per 1,000 uninfected population ages 15-49)
#> SH_MED_BEDS_ZS    | Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)
#> SH_MED_PHYS_ZS    | Physicians (per 1,000 people)
#> SH_MMR_RISK_ZS    | Lifetime risk of maternal death (%)
#> SH_STA_BASS_RU_ZS | People using at least basic sanitation services, rural (% of rural population)
#> SH_STA_BASS_UR_ZS | People using at least basic sanitation services, urban (% of urban population)
#> SH_STA_BASS_ZS    | People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population)
#> SH_STA_BRTW_ZS    | Low-birthweight babies (% of births)
#> SH_STA_DIAB_ZS    | Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79)
#> SH_STA_FGMS_ZS    | Female genital mutilation prevalence (%)
#> SH_STA_HYGN_ZS    | People with basic handwashing facilities including soap and water (% of population)
#> SH_STA_MALN_FE_ZS | Prevalence of underweight, weight for age, female (% of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_MALN_MA_ZS | Prevalence of underweight, weight for age, male (% of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_MALN_ZS    | Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_ODFC_RU_ZS | People practicing open defecation, rural (% of rural population)
#> SH_STA_ODFC_UR_ZS | People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population)
#> SH_STA_ODFC_ZS    | People practicing open defecation (% of population)
#> SH_STA_OWGH_FE_ZS | Prevalence of overweight, weight for height, female (% of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_OWGH_MA_ZS | Prevalence of overweight, weight for height, male (% of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_OWGH_ME_ZS | Prevalence of overweight (modeled estimate, % of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_OWGH_ZS    | Prevalence of overweight, weight for height (% of children under 5)
#> SH_STA_SMSS_RU_ZS | People using safely managed sanitation services, rural (% of rural population)
#> SH_STA_SMSS_UR_ZS | People using safely managed sanitation services, urban (% of urban population)
#> SH_STA_SMSS_ZS    | People using safely managed sanitation services (% of population)
#> SH_STA_STNT_ME_ZS | Prevalence of stunting, height for age (modeled estimate, % of children under 5)
#> SH_UHC_NOPR_ZS    | Proportion of population pushed below the 60% median consumption poverty line by out-of-pocket health expenditure (%)
#> SH_UHC_OOPC_25_ZS | Proportion of population spending more than 25% of household consumption or income on out-of-pocket health care expenditure (%)
#> SH_VAC_TTNS_ZS    | Newborns protected against tetanus (%)
#> SH_XPD_CHEX_GD_ZS | Current health expenditure (% of GDP)
#> SH_XPD_EHEX_CH_ZS | External health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
#> SH_XPD_GHED_CH_ZS | Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
#> SH_XPD_GHED_GD_ZS | Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP)
#> SH_XPD_GHED_GE_ZS | Domestic general government health expenditure (% of general government expenditure)
#> SH_XPD_OOPC_CH_ZS | Out-of-pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
#> SH_XPD_PVTD_CH_ZS | Domestic private health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
#> SL_AGR_EMPL_FE_ZS | Employment in agriculture, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_AGR_EMPL_MA_ZS | Employment in agriculture, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_AGR_EMPL_ZS    | Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_1524_SP_FE_ZS | Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_1524_SP_MA_ZS | Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_1524_SP_NE_ZS | Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_EMP_1524_SP_ZS | Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_MPYR_FE_ZS | Employers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_MPYR_MA_ZS | Employers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_MPYR_ZS    | Employers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_SELF_FE_ZS | Self-employed, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_SELF_MA_ZS | Self-employed, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_SELF_ZS    | Self-employed, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_TOTL_SP_FE_NE_ZS | Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_EMP_TOTL_SP_FE_ZS | Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_TOTL_SP_MA_NE_ZS | Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_EMP_TOTL_SP_MA_ZS | Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_TOTL_SP_NE_ZS | Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_EMP_TOTL_SP_ZS | Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_VULN_FE_ZS | Vulnerable employment, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_VULN_MA_ZS | Vulnerable employment, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_VULN_ZS    | Vulnerable employment, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_WORK_FE_ZS | Wage and salaried workers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_WORK_MA_ZS | Wage and salaried workers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_EMP_WORK_ZS    | Wage and salaried workers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_FAM_WORK_FE_ZS | Contributing family workers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_FAM_WORK_MA_ZS | Contributing family workers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_FAM_WORK_ZS    | Contributing family workers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_IND_EMPL_FE_ZS | Employment in industry, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_IND_EMPL_MA_ZS | Employment in industry, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_IND_EMPL_ZS    | Employment in industry (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_SRV_EMPL_FE_ZS | Employment in services, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_SRV_EMPL_MA_ZS | Employment in services, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_SRV_EMPL_ZS    | Employment in services (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_0714_ZS    | Children in employment, total (% of children ages 7-14)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_1524_FE_NE_ZS | Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_1524_FE_ZS | Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_1524_MA_NE_ZS | Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_1524_MA_ZS | Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_1524_NE_ZS | Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_1524_ZS | Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_FE_ZS | Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-64) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_MA_ZS | Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-64) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_ACTI_ZS    | Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15-64) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_FE_NE_ZS | Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_FE_ZS | Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_FM_NE_ZS | Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_FM_ZS | Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_MA_NE_ZS | Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_MA_ZS | Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_NE_ZS | Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (national estimate)
#> SL_TLF_CACT_ZS    | Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_TLF_TOTL_FE_ZS | Labor force, female (% of total labor force)
#> SL_UEM_1524_FE_NE_ZS | Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (national estimate)
#> SL_UEM_1524_FE_ZS | Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_UEM_1524_MA_NE_ZS | Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (national estimate)
#> SL_UEM_1524_MA_ZS | Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_UEM_1524_NE_ZS | Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (national estimate)
#> SL_UEM_1524_ZS    | Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_UEM_ADVN_ZS    | Unemployment with advanced education (% of total labor force with advanced education)
#> SL_UEM_NEET_FE_ZS | Share of youth not in education, employment or training, female (% of female youth population)
#> SL_UEM_NEET_MA_ZS | Share of youth not in education, employment or training, male (% of male youth population)
#> SL_UEM_NEET_ZS    | Share of youth not in education, employment or training, total (% of youth population)
#> SL_UEM_TOTL_FE_NE_ZS | Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (national estimate)
#> SL_UEM_TOTL_FE_ZS | Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_UEM_TOTL_MA_NE_ZS | Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (national estimate)
#> SL_UEM_TOTL_MA_ZS | Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SL_UEM_TOTL_NE_ZS | Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (national estimate)
#> SL_UEM_TOTL_ZS    | Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
#> SN_ITK_DEFC_ZS    | Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population)
#> SN_ITK_SVFI_ZS    | Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the population (%)
#> SP_DYN_TO65_FE_ZS | Survival to age 65, female (% of cohort)
#> SP_DYN_TO65_MA_ZS | Survival to age 65, male (% of cohort)
#> SP_M15_2024_FE_ZS | Women who were first married by age 15 (% of women ages 20-24)
#> SP_M18_2024_FE_ZS | Women who were first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20-24)
#> SP_MTR_1519_ZS    | Teenage mothers (% of women ages 15-19 who have had children or are currently pregnant)
#> SP_POP_0014_TO_ZS | Population ages 0-14 (% of total population)
#> SP_POP_1564_TO_ZS | Population ages 15-64 (% of total population)
#> SP_POP_65UP_FE_ZS | Population ages 65 and above, female (% of female population)
#> SP_POP_65UP_MA_ZS | Population ages 65 and above, male (% of male population)
#> SP_POP_65UP_TO_ZS | Population ages 65 and above (% of total population)
#> SP_POP_TOTL_FE_ZS | Population, female (% of total population)
#> SP_URB_TOTL_IN_ZS | Urban population (% of total population)
#> ST_INT_RCPT_XP_ZS | International tourism, receipts (% of total exports)
#> ST_INT_XPND_MP_ZS | International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports)
#> TG_VAL_TOTL_GD_ZS | Merchandise trade (% of GDP)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_BC_ZS | Binding coverage, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_BR_ZS | Bound rate, simple mean, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_IP_ZS | Share of tariff lines with international peaks, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_SM_AR_ZS | Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_SM_FN_ZS | Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_SR_ZS | Share of tariff lines with specific rates, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_WM_AR_ZS | Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MANF_WM_FN_ZS | Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, manufactured products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_BC_ZS | Binding coverage, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_BR_ZS | Bound rate, simple mean, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_IP_ZS | Share of tariff lines with international peaks, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_SM_AR_ZS | Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_SM_FN_ZS | Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_SR_ZS | Share of tariff lines with specific rates, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_WM_AR_ZS | Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_MRCH_WM_FN_ZS | Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, all products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_BC_ZS | Binding coverage, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_BR_ZS | Bound rate, simple mean, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_IP_ZS | Share of tariff lines with international peaks, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_SM_AR_ZS | Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_SM_FN_ZS | Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_SR_ZS | Share of tariff lines with specific rates, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_WM_AR_ZS | Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, primary products (%)
#> TM_TAX_TCOM_WM_FN_ZS | Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, primary products (%)
#> TM_VAL_AGRI_ZS_UN | Agricultural raw materials imports (% of merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_FOOD_ZS_UN | Food imports (% of merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_FUEL_ZS_UN | Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_ICTG_ZS_UN | ICT goods imports (% total goods imports)
#> TM_VAL_INSF_ZS_WT | Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service imports)
#> TM_VAL_MANF_ZS_UN | Manufactures imports (% of merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MMTL_ZS_UN | Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_AL_ZS | Merchandise imports from economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_HI_ZS | Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_OR_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies outside region (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_R1_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_R2_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_R3_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_R4_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_R5_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_R6_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_RS_ZS | Merchandise imports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_MRCH_WR_ZS | Merchandise imports from low- and middle-income economies within region (% of total merchandise imports)
#> TM_VAL_OTHR_ZS_WT | Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports)
#> TM_VAL_TRAN_ZS_WT | Transport services (% of commercial service imports)
#> TM_VAL_TRVL_ZS_WT | Travel services (% of commercial service imports)
#> TX_MNF_TECH_ZS_UN | Medium and high-tech exports (% manufactured exports)
#> TX_VAL_AGRI_ZS_UN | Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_FOOD_ZS_UN | Food exports (% of merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_FUEL_ZS_UN | Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_ICTG_ZS_UN | ICT goods exports (% of total goods exports)
#> TX_VAL_INSF_ZS_WT | Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service exports)
#> TX_VAL_MANF_ZS_UN | Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MMTL_ZS_UN | Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_AL_ZS | Merchandise exports to economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_HI_ZS | Merchandise exports to high-income economies (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_OR_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies outside region (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_R1_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_R2_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_R3_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_R4_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_R5_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_R6_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_RS_ZS | Merchandise exports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_MRCH_WR_ZS | Merchandise exports to low- and middle-income economies within region (% of total merchandise exports)
#> TX_VAL_OTHR_ZS_WT | Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports)
#> TX_VAL_TECH_MF_ZS | High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)
#> TX_VAL_TRAN_ZS_WT | Transport services (% of commercial service exports)
#> TX_VAL_TRVL_ZS_WT | Travel services (% of commercial service exports)

# Search for real/constant price variables
wp_info(search = "_R_")
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (59/249 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> GDP_R_2015        | GDP (constant 2015 US$) (smoothed)
#>  [IMF IFS] Data from IMF's International Financial Statistics (IFS) 
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2010)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2018)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2022)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2000)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2007)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2016)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2005)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2012)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2015)
#> NGDP_R_SA_XDC     | Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Domestic Currency (base year:2014)
#> TMG_R_CIF_IX      | External Trade, Goods, Volume of Imports, Cost Insurance Freight (CIF), Index (base year:2010=100)
#> TXG_R_FOB_IX      | External Trade, Goods, Volume of Exports, Free on Board (FOB), Index (base year:2010=100)
#>  [IMF BOP] Data from IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position 
#> BP_R_2023         | Overall Balance of Payments (Should be 0)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CA_R_2023         | Capital Account Balance (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAi_R_2023        | Capital Account Inflow (Excl. Reserves)(constant 2023 USD)
#> CAo_R_2023        | Capital Account Outflow(constant 2023 USD)
#> CU_R_2023         | Current Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> DER_R_2023        | Net Financial Derivatives and Stock Options(constant 2023 USD)
#> EO_R_2023         | Errors and Omissions(constant 2023 USD)
#> ExF_R_2023        | Exceptional Financing(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXg_R_2023        | Exports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> EXs_R_2023        | Exports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> FA_R_2023         | Financial Account Balance (Excl. Excep. Financing)(constant 2023 USD)
#> FER_R_2023        | Change in Foreign Exchange Reserves(constant 2023 USD)
#> GBT_R_2023        | Goods Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> GSI_R_2023        | Goods, Services, and Primary Income Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDER_R_2023       | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Liabilities(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDID_R_2023       | Inward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iDIE_R_2023       | Inward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iFDI_R_2023       | Inward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfCL_R_2023      | Net IMF Credit and Loans(constant 2023 USD)
#> imfRE_R_2023      | Change in IMF Reserve Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMg_R_2023        | Imports of Goods(constant 2023 USD)
#> IMs_R_2023        | Imports of Services(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOI_R_2023        | Other Investments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOID_R_2023       | Other Debt Instruments Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iOIE_R_2023       | Other Equity Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPOR_R_2023       | Inward Portfolio Investments (Incurred)(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORD_R_2023      | Debt Securities Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> iPORE_R_2023      | Equity and Investment Funds Incurred(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDER_R_2023       | Financial Derivatives and Stock Options Assets(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDID_R_2023       | Outward Direct Investment (Debt)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oDIE_R_2023       | Outward Direct Investment (Equity & Funds)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oFDI_R_2023       | Outward FDI(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOI_R_2023        | Other Investments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOID_R_2023       | Other Debt Instruments Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oOIE_R_2023       | Other Equity Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPOR_R_2023       | Outward Portfolio Investments (Acquired)(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORD_R_2023      | Debt Securities Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> oPORE_R_2023      | Equity and Investment Funds Acquired(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIi_R_2023        | Primary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> PIo_R_2023        | Primary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIi_R_2023        | Secondary Income Received(constant 2023 USD)
#> SIo_R_2023        | Secondary Income Payments(constant 2023 USD)
#> TB_R_2023         | Trade Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#> TCC_R_2023        | Current and Capital Account Balance(constant 2023 USD)
#>  [BIS] Data from BIS Statistics 
#> HOUSE_PRICE_R_2010 | Residential property prices, Real, Index, 2010 = 100
#>  ############# Yearly Data (1/888 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> GDP_R_2015_Y      | GDP (constant 2015 US$)

# Multiple search terms finding either pattern
wp_info(search = c("GDP", "investment"))
#>  ############# Quarterly Data (0/249 variables) #############
#>  ############# Yearly Data (4/888 variables) #############
#>  [WB] Data from World Bank Indicators 
#> BM_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS       | Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
#> BX_KLT_DINV_WD_GD_ZS       | Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
#> GC_NFN_TOTL_GD_ZS          | Net investment in nonfinancial assets (% of GDP)
#>  [JST] Data from JORDA-SCHULARICK-TAYLOR MACROHISTORY DATABASE (Jorda, et al., 2017. 'Macrofinancial History and the New Business Cycle Facts.') 
#> IY_JST                     | Investment-to-GDP ratio

# Get data without printing
gdp_vars <- wp_info(search = "GDP", print = FALSE)